It has taken on sectarian shades, pulling in Islamic fundamentalist fighters and threatening to inflame the region.
But Wu does have his critics in the business establishment, whom the government likely does not want to inflame.
The First Minister said he did not want to inflame the dispute.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Scotland: First Minister's Questions (11/03/04)
The attack on the Askariya shrine was an act of extreme provocation indeed, nothing could be more calculated to inflame sectarian hatred.
And if there is one thing designed to inflame this dispute it is to start labelling the strikers the new Scargill tendency.
Both the bomb attack and the arrests are likely to inflame tensions.
Race relations have a greater capacity to inflame than any other social issue, reckons Derrick Campbell of Race Equality Sandwell, a local group.
We use the F-word not to inflame emotions but to provoke thought, for we find the behavior of the Obama-era left only disturbing, not alarming.
But the government also has been trying not to inflame more religious Bangladeshis, who make up a sizable portion of the country's 160 million population.
But the government also has been keen not to inflame more religious Bangladeshis, who make up a sizeable portion of the country's 160 million population.
But the government also has been keen not to inflame more religiously-minded Bangladeshis, who make up a sizeable portion of the country's 160 million population.
The last government, in contrast, actually helped to inflame the debate.
Saddam Hussein clearly has every incentive to inflame Arab-Israeli tensions and to drive wedges between the United States and its new-found partners in the anti-Iraq alliance.
Rome's decision that the marines shouldn't return is likely to inflame many in India, where there is strong domestic pressure that they should be tried there.
But Cyprus is also the EU's most intractable puzzle, a rich country fringed by a separatist northern backwater with the potential to inflame the eastern Mediterranean.
In Pakistan, the Supreme Court's arrest order for Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf on Tuesday was likely to inflame antagonism between the government and the court.
As for Mr Obama, nothing could be surer to inflame Arizona (while securing his own Hispanic base) than to bring a federal lawsuit against the state.
It is still possible that the conference and the National Assembly that emerges from it may do as much to inflame as to defuse Iraq's communal tensions.
The meagre payouts to exchequers in Britain and across Europe are likely to inflame public anger over the aggressive tax avoidance tactics used by American tech firms.
She and he both know that they are acting out parts in a drama of national emblems that is likelier to inflame old hurts than to soothe them.
Bix's revelations about Hirohito are sure to inflame those passions.
But a tough call--such as the one that cost Japan a game against the U.S. in the baseball Classic just as we went to press--will tend to inflame passions anew.
U.S. investigators have found that the Internal Revenue Service scrutinized conservative groups for raising political concerns over government spending, debt and taxes, new details likely to inflame a widening controversy.
The new democratic regime of President Olesegun Obasanjo is put at risk, and Libya's leader, Muammar Qaddafi, does not miss a chance to inflame matters in Nigeria's Islamic northern states.
In Iraq, al Qaeda (whose animosity toward Shiite Muslims almost matches its hatred of the West) has already shown it will take drastic steps to inflame Sunni-Shiite tensions by attacking shrines and religious festivals.
Safety scandals involving food and other products are common in China, but this case, involving thousands of school children, is likely to inflame public opinion more than most, says the BBC's Martin Patience in Beijing.
For his part, Russian President Vladimir Putin , the man Mr. Bush concluded he could "trust" after their ninety-minute meeting in Slovenia, is doing what he can to inflame opposition here and abroad to U.S. missile defense deployments.
Nevertheless, there is more than enough controversial material in this week's draft to inflame the Eurosceptics' ire, so the pressure on Mr Blair to give in and call a referendum is likely to grow and may well become irresistible.
" The network gets good marks for programming in areas outside the emir's direct interests, but the article concludes that Al Jazeera continues "to inflame Arab resentments in its promotion of anti-Americanism, Sunni sectarianism and, in recent years, Islamism.