• But in order to condemn a whole group of dogs, and moreover to infringe on the human rights of people who love and responsibly care for dogs fitting this general description, you have to have a damn solid proof that unalterable genetic characteristics of this whole category of dog are most or all of the problem.

    FORBES: In Praise Of Pit Bulls: Author Jim Gorant Speaks Out About Misunderstood Dogs And The Laws Aimed At Them

  • The enquiries the authority would have to make to establish the owner's status could easily infringe the right to privacy under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act.

    ECONOMIST: Banning second-home ownership is easier said than done

  • The NRA clearly rejected the proposed legislation so far, with Chris Cox, who heads the group's institute for legislative action, saying in a letter to the Senate that it "would unfairly infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners" and that the group "unequivocally opposed" it.


  • If the web were like a traditional business, a site like YouTube would have licensed all of its content before going live and would make sure any new content uploaded to its site did not infringe on the rights of others.

    FORBES: How the Second Circuit's Decision in Viacom May Change the Web

  • With bipartisan support, they enacted a comprehensive law to help curb gun violence and mass shootings that does not infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and hunt.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Given that Mr Shindler would be able to vote if he returned to live in the UK, it ruled that the current laws did not infringe the "very essence" of his rights to take part in free elections.

    BBC: WWII veteran loses ruling on expats voting in UK elections

  • Note: Be sure not to infringe on employees rights under Section 7 of the NLRA. Section 7 is about employee rights to self-organization and collective bargaining and also allows for employees to discuss things with each other, such as wages or other working conditions.

    FORBES: A Primer on How to Create A Sound Social Media Policy

  • That plaintiff, Righthaven LLC, is an entity that exists solely to sue outlets that infringe on copyrighted content on behalf of the rights-holders.

    FORBES: Why Drudge Is a Poor Target for Copyright Vigilantes

  • Justice Anthony Kennedy, seen as a pivotal vote, gave gay-marriage proponents some hope by suggesting the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act might infringe on states' rights to make their own marriage rules.

    WSJ: Court Embarks on Second Day of Gay-Marriage Debate

  • Meanwhile, given the potential for LOST's arbitral panels and regulatory bodies to infringe massively upon the prerogatives of the Congress to say nothing of the constitutional rights of millions of Americans it would seem only natural for myriad Senate (and, for that matter, House) committees to want to hold their own hearings about this accord.


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