The Bill also includes proposals to create a new Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection, to inspect both the NHS and private healthcare sector, and a new Commission for Social Care Inspection.
In February 2009, Ms. Iversen sent BP a letter saying it had failed to inspect the stretch of pipeline for more than a decade before it broke.
Salisbury Cathedral's new clerk has climbed to the top of its spire to inspect it in preparation for a new digital instrument being installed.
It calls for the appointment of a safety chief to inspect Bangladesh's 5, 000 garment factories and establishes fire-safety training for workers.
The UK troops arrived with around 60 U.S. personnel in eight C-130 aircraft on Thursday to inspect the base for possible use in a large-scale humanitarian operation.
In County Durham one campaigning family are paying for a private nurse to inspect children at their local school.
The FAA said it issued an AD requiring airlines to inspect Airbus A320 aircraft for possible cracking of a landing gear part.
CNN: US Airways, United face FAA fines for safety violations
It will feature all kinds of artefacts and historical documents from libraries and museums, available free for a global audience to inspect online.
They said they have no legal power to inspect the cages before the animals are returned, but they are hoping the local sheriff will seek a court order to inspect the farm "to ensure the safety of the animals and the public, " said Erica Pitchford, a spokeswoman for the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
In New York, three insurance companies are being investigated for failure to send adjusters and inspect claims in a timely manner, the department of Financial Services announced last month.
He says basic scientists are free to inspect the pathway, but that Ariad expects a "reasonable royalty" for commercially available drugs that impact NF-kappa-B.
The FDA also plans to inspect a plant in Ireland, but has said there is no reason for the company to expand the recall.
Most importantly, the interdiction provisions involve conditional language that could function as a loophole for non-compliance, mandating states to inspect cargo, but only if they have "reasonable grounds" to believe that cargo contains prohibited items.
BBC: North Korea: Will new UN sanctions persuade or provoke?
Airtrax's wheel is part of the design for a new robotic vehicle that can inspect cars' undersides to locate bombs.
It sounds like a boon for arcade owners, who won't have to manually inspect each machine, but Apple seems to think differently.
ENGADGET: No POD for you: Apple keeps close tabs on brand name
The lawsuit filed Jan. 2 in Delaware sought a court order to inspect company records, saying the San Diego-based corporation rebuffed previous requests for the information.
The lawsuit filed Jan. 2 in Delaware sought a court order to inspect company records, saying the San Diego-based corporation rebuffed prior requests for the information.
When his cell phone rang, he went out onto the porch for a minute, the cookbook still opened on the counter, and I came over to inspect.
Samsung Electronics Co said on Monday it would inspect 250 Chinese companies which make products for the South Korean firm to ensure no labor laws are broken after a U.S.-based group accused one of its suppliers of using child labor.
FORBES: Links 04 Sept: Samsung Just Can't Catch a Break Over Apple, Can it?