The Paralympic gold medallist tabled an amendment to require doctors' reports to be obtained and taken into account by the assessor, arguing that this would reduce the need for appeals and allow some disabled people to receive the new benefit without having to go through a face-to-face interview.
So they have been very, very, very firm about we're going to see every single one of them, face-to-face interview, and that takes a while.
"It's a great company and a good brand, but we've never been the type to want to talk about it, " says Richard, 53, in a rare face-to-face interview.
Several days prior to the statement, NPR sent e-mails and made phone calls to Armstrong asking for an interview, either face-to-face or on the telephone.
On top of a searching interview, I was also to face a rigorous test of my news judgement, in competition with all the other would-be David Dimblebys.
Interview a few to find out which face the most serious financial hurdles, then channel payments through a nonprofit such as the one created by snowboarding gold medalist Ross Powers, whose charter does allow him to pick favorites.
Nadine Dorries, who has spoken out against Mr Osborne in the past, tweeted that Ms Smith "did not deserve" to face such an interview, adding that if he had sent her on to the BBC programme "he is a coward as well as arrogant".
Likely beginning in late 2011, the hour-long series could air two to three times a week on the Oprah Winfrey Network. (Winfrey is contractually barred from hosting another chatfest until her syndicated talk show concludes in September of the same year.) Next Chapter will reportedly follow Winfrey as she takes her bold-face interview subjects to global locales like Egypt and China.
Brin quickly adjusted them to his face, before walking off to his wife, who was calling into an interview through a landline telephone.
Equally significant, they now interview over the telephone rather than face-to-face.
Yet another cost the nation has to face, Topol noted in e-mail interview, will be the enormous cost of conducting huge trials to compare the relative benefits of various popular drugs.
But while some might see the interview as a mere formality, for others this face-to-face encounter proves to be a major stumbling block in what is already a competitive application process.
In a January interview on ABC News, she said "daggers" to recount her tense, face-to-face encounter with Loughner at his sentencing.
After returning the glasses to his own face, Brin swiped down on the touchpad of the glasses and continued the interview.
CNN: Sergey Brin finally lets someone else wear Google Glass
During an interview at the embassy, she wiped away tears as she spoke of Jewish children being herded onto boxcars to face certain death.