And yet, the federal government's ability to investigate and prosecute these frauds is severely hindered by outdated laws and a lack of resources.
It urged the UN Security Council to refer allegations to the International Criminal Court (ICC) if either side failed to investigate and prosecute suspects.
Mr Goldstone urged the UN Security Council to refer allegations to the International Criminal Court (ICC) if either side failed to investigate and prosecute suspects.
It found there was poor quality assessment and flawed decision making, there was also a failure to investigate and prosecute the men who were abusing her.
"These agencies use communications data - the who, when, where and how of a communication, but not its content - to investigate and prosecute serious crime, " it says.
The report made a series of further recommendations including independent forensic examinations, an independent body to investigate and prosecute torturers, witness protection and dividing prisoners up according to the seriousness of their crimes.
The unit would be headed by a chief election enforcement officer, appointed by the governor and requiring confirmation by the state Senate, and authorized to investigate and prosecute both civil and criminal cases, with subpoena power.
And he said that "as a fallback" to his proposed creation of an enforcement unit at the elections board, the state attorney general's office might be used to investigate and prosecute criminal and civil violations of election laws.
One of the most frustrating aspects of these crimes for many local prosecutors and I am one of them is that even though we know the ripoffs are taking place, and we have the resources and expertise to investigate and prosecute, our hands are tied.
In 2002, Germany approved the Codes of Conduct under International Law -- a statute that allows the German Federal Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute crimes constituting a violation of international human rights laws -- irrespective of the location of the defendant or plaintiff, the place where the crime was carried out, or the nationality of the persons involved.
Yet at the same time, the administration set out to investigate and possibly prosecute the CIA officers who kept us safe after 9-11.
She said the scope of the deal was to prevent, investigate and prosecute terrorism and transnational crimes, and insisted there were safeguards in place to protect passengers' data.
They also provide victims with rehabilitation services and vocational training, and train law enforcement personnel to more effectively investigate and prosecute perpetrators.
The authorities Congress provided have substantially enhanced the ability of our law enforcement and intelligence officials to prevent, investigate, and prosecute acts of terror.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 50 Patriot Act supporters warn against Act's lapse
They stressed that special victims' units have been established along with training to recognize, investigate and prosecute cases involving rape.
Around the world, national governments have sharply limited who and what the court is allowed to prosecute and investigate.
" According to the interpretation, it "appears that business requests from Belarus cannot be served over the internet if the service provider is using online services located outside of the country, " and police (as well as the secret police) are authorized to "initiate, investigate, and prosecute such violations.
ENGADGET: Belarus limits use of 'foreign' websites, while Kuala Lumpur mandates WiFi in eateries