Both were keen, he said, to keep out the anarchists who might cause trouble.
"I'm sure everyone at Swansea would definitely want to keep him, " said the 19-year-old Allen.
The goal is to keep privileged and secret what it does and how it operates.
They are the ones the country needs to keep to rebuild it in years to come.
Though the recording industry remains in flux, Slim says he still finds confidence to keep going.
The key for a developer is how to keep both that feeling and the newer developments.
Citi has struggled to keep the rate of expense growth below the rate of revenue growth.
To keep pace with these innovations, classic Italian restaurants are having to up their game.
Baier has a list of people he wants to keep, and checks on them regularly.
That meant he had to keep hopping around the table to accommodate the diners.
Singapore's hawker centres started partly for hygiene reasons, and to keep our water pollution in control.
The Brown Palace does take precautions to keep a sense of decorum during livestock appearances.
The Scottish parliament banned this game to keep troops from getting distracted during archery practice.
Lighting changes over the course of the day to keep the focus on the outdoors.
To keep the lights on, they would continue to work for the big developers.
The detachable cord is handy, but there's no locking mechanism to keep it in place.
Governments have agreed to try to keep the rise in average global temperatures to below 2C.
Campaigners for Mr Ahmad say the battle to keep him in the UK will continue.
That's the way to keep the game always with you, and whoever figures that out will win.
Only in a few cases were states able to keep the money from disappearing into their treasuries.
They inflated at home for political purposes, but tried to keep their currencies pegged to the dollar.
To add to this, the infrastructure in emerging markets often struggles to keep up with visitor growth.
Of course, individuals and companies are entitled to keep proprietary information and punish those who violate that trust.
It also offers a small section of meat dishes, including the English breakfast, to keep staunch carnivores satisfied.
Therefore, the countries are keen to keep the trust money flowing in and the creditors out.
So you have to work real hard to keep your clients from leaving you.
FORBES: International Campaign to Eliminate Pension Consultant Abuses (November 2, 2004 )
The GOP appears to be doing all it can to keep the Tea Party happy.
Among the sites recommended to keep material from are eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Tripadvisor and Rightmove.
But how many eavesdroppers does it take to keep tabs on 390 million cell phone users?
He said responsible beekeepers try to keep swarming to a minimum but it was "frequently unavoidable".