As they did Tuesday, traders were asked to keep trading books open Wednesday after the close so excess orders could be filled and confirmed.
The letter also mentions loaning the book out, which could mean he felt a need to keep his books clean for other readers (this is perhaps a more persuasive argument).
Mr. McMurtry plans to keep close to 100, 000 books on the shelves of Booked Up, which will remain open.
She and Ada had work to do: keep books, prepare the courtesans and greet their boys, watching each man admire the seesaw sway of a girl's rear as he followed her up the stairs.
So the social unrest gets a bit rowdier unless people are willing to keep taking those reductions to their pocket books and wallets.
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Spending by non-governmental public entities is another way to keep liabilities off the books.
Stanford library director Michael Keller says the librarians determined which books to keep on the shelf by looking at how frequently a book was checked out.
They also saw a slight improvement at companies accused of accounting fraud, which they said might be attributed to a well-documented pattern of cost-cutting and asset sales at once-highflying companies that played with the books to keep their abnormal growth rates going.
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It was due to deceitful, and perhaps illegal, games played by corporate executives: diverting funds into secret partnerships, cooking the books to keep those deals secret, lying to investors and employees about the financial health of the company, while selling their own stock to make sure they wouldn't be hurt when the whole house of cards collapsed.
This week, Dorling Kindersley, a British publisher of illustrated books, announced that it is to display whole books online, free, in a bid to keep up with the race to sell over the web.
In the same way, there may be a road to a niche audience in the creation of artistic versions of current books as a means to keep the printed book alive.
That made it harder to find buyers for the super senior tranches and forced many banks to keep them on their own books instead.
To save interest charges, the government wants to prepay the note, but Citibank, which wants to keep the asset on its books, says this goes against the spirit, if not the letter, of their agreement.
Recent moves to curb bank lending have included forcing firms to provide a bigger portion of any investment in overheating sectors themselves, and ordering banks to keep more cash relative to the size of their loan books.
These bonds pay interest just like their forbidden cousins in the Western markets but the interest is put into a black box of Shariah-created fictions and "Special Purpose Vehicles" to keep the forbidden interest off the books.
Economists say the government stuck with the system because it allowed officials to muddle the country's accounting and effectively keep two sets of books, making it easier hide to revenues that could be diverted to other needs, such as military hardware, and to line the pockets of officials.
Hang your TV: For more space to showcase your organizational prowess, hang your TV, but keep the table underneath to store your movies and books.
They know that more people reading comic books means they get to keep collecting.
Reading books keep you up to date in your industry and social trends.
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In the meantime, Portsmouth may go into administration and incur a 10-point deduction, but that would at least allow the books to be audited and keep alive their hope that a new owner can be found.
Economists say the government stuck with the system because it allowed officials to muddle the country's accounting and effectively keep two sets of books, making it easier hide revenue that could be diverted to other needs, such as military hardware, and to line the pockets of officials.
Fees for financial advice and acquisitions were part of an elaborate deception to keep the massive losses off the company's books.
He will intervene in public debates and write more books, all in his quest to keep Singapore on the straight and narrow.
The new Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in the United States promised that CFOs would be made to keep a more vigilant eye on their companies' books.
One area in which the RNIB is urgently seeking help is with the "talking books" which are sent out to keep blind and partially sighted people in the news.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Drive for volunteers to aid blind
To keep Wall Street happy and Vignette under control, Peters books revenue only after products are installed and running on customers' computers.
The SEC has also announced it is proposing a rule that will force Wall Street firms that package and sell asset-backed securities like CDOs, to keep 5% of those packaged loans on their own books, so they will share the risk with those they sell the investments to.