He said wet weather makes it harder for the adults to lay eggs, and also washes any larvae away before it can hatch.
But asexual ants of other species either rely on one or a few individuals to lay eggs, or else only the younger ants do it.
Lake sturgeon, he said, once populated the river thanks to rocks and boulders that created spots to lay eggs in well-oxygenated water that was safe from other predators.
Female cicadas have to be careful when they choose a tree in which to lay their eggs.
He also has something to trade, which should allow him to be choosy about which females he allows to lay their eggs in his nest.
The journey takes them, for instance, to Taganak, one of the Turtle Islands, where the creatures (oblivious to such niceties as national boundaries) heave themselves ashore to lay their eggs.
Birds were given different colors, squawks and abilities such as extra density, acceleration and the power to lay explosive eggs in the air before winging off their parabolas from the counterforce of laying eggs.
Female sturgeon don't become sexually mature until their 20s and spawn about every four years, so the spawning season, in which they surface from the depths to lay their eggs on rocky shores, is an extremely important time for the species.
Remarkably, though, when it comes time to lay their own eggs, the female of the species will typically cross the ocean to return to precisely the same beach where she may have hatched 15 years earlier.
This Internet goose is just starting to lay its golden eggs.
Experts have warned it is not possible for the birds to lay again this season to replace the eggs that have been stolen.
She observed a group of wild swallows, allowed them to pair up and lay eggs and then moved in.
ECONOMIST: Male birds cannot afford to relax their standards
Placental mammals - as opposed to the kind that lay eggs, such as the platypus, or carry young in pouches, such as the kangaroo - are an extraordinarily diverse group of animals with more than 5, 000 species today.
Indeed, both males and females can mate and lay eggs with up to seven different partners in one season.
The butterfly rearing process starts with farmers catching a few female butterflies and transferring them to an enclosure where they can lay eggs on host plants.
Dr Jaisson reckons that the enormous size of the eggs is the main reason why each individual can only lay two eggs at a time she probably does not have the capacity to lay more.
You can import monarchs, but they won't lay eggs because there's nothing for their progeny to eat.
Researchers have hope for tiny parasitic wasps from Asia, which scientists are studying to see if they can be hungrily effective if introduced in the U.S. The wasps lay their eggs within the stink bugs' own egg masses.
WSJ: Out of Odor: Offensive-Smelling Bugs Put U.S. Farmers on the Defensive