What Penny drove in this process for me will ultimately lead it to a crisp answer to the question you were asking about what works.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House
"The lead investigator said to me kindly, 'Well, if it makes you feel any better, the person that was yelling for help is alive, '" she recalled.
If you can give me an explanation of why this would lead to superior value creation, I might label it a strategy, but such an explanation is usually conspicuously absent.
FORBES: So, You Think You Have A Strategy? Five Poor Excuses For A Strategy
All year his signature stance has been take me or leave me, but that's easy to say when you have a 40-point lead.
CNN: Please don't leave me, don't you go
He is saying if you want me as your leader this is the kind of way in which I wish to lead the centre-right cause in Scotland.
BBC: Scottish Tory leadership favourite 'to split party'