The big risk here has to do with the Federal Communications Commission's decision to stop forcing the Baby Bells to lease out their consumer phone lines at discount prices.
In the eyes of Mr Amato, the minister has decided all on his own to lease out an essential part of Italy's cultural heritage, the BBC's Christian Fraser in Rome says.
Last week, it was reported that entertainment powerhouse Sony is looking to lease out real estate in its New York headquarters -- this after its Sony Music Entertainment arm dissolved longtime record labels (Jive, Arista) into one (RCA) for cost cutting measures.
The third is to put the lease out to tender but with conditions that ensure it still benefits islanders.
If it's your own dining room you're standing in and you wish to sell your property, they can give you an honest assessment of what it would fetch on the rental market if you opt to lease it out instead.
The lease was put out to tender after the existing lease expired in November 2012.
BBC: Raasay shooting and fishing rights returned to crofters
Katz says his program, which he calls "The PFS Simple Lease" refunds all interest charges to the driver if the driver wants to get out of the lease early.
We have constructed a table to help you figure out whether to sign a lease or a sales contract in seven cities.
Others, such as Mozoon, replied saying that in the case of household purchases, the way it works is that the Islamic lender buys the item on your behalf, and you agree to lease it at first, eventually buying out the lease.
The Silicon Valley lease works out to about 11, 000 square feet of data center space.
Given this risk, it may be better to sign a long-term lease at a low rental rate than to hold out for a premium rent in a year or two.
Today, the company is called Panda Property Development, the 50-year lease having turned out to be its most valuable asset.
Those political parties have to be funded and the public have got to work out what is the lease unacceptable way of paying for those parties.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Robin Cook MP, leader of the House of Commons
The Scottish government owns the lease which was put out to tender last year.
Raasay Crofters' Association has managed the rights for 18 years, after a public agency gave them up, and it had expected to continue to do so when the lease was put out for tender.
After paying only part of October's rent, they skipped November entirely, then told Ferraro the Joneses were breaking their lease and moving out, according to Ferraro.
Rafael Correa, who takes office as Ecuador's new president next month, says he will not allow the Americans to stay once their ten-year lease runs out in 2009.
Nextel and T-Mobile are the cell carriers planning to lease space, so you're pretty much out of luck if you use anyone else, but what we're really interested in is the part about how ClearLinx Network Corp.
But we thought instead of erecting trailer parks, why not erect Katrina neighborhoods, with these small cottages and then allow people the option to either purchase the cottage and add on to it, or if they choose to move out, then the government could perhaps sell it to someone else, or someone who would lease it to another family.
At first, Hoogland thought the chain might carve out small store spaces and lease them to other tenants.
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The lease was set to expire, and they farmed it out to me, and I made a good well on it.
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This year, the Supreme Court threw out a multimillion-dollar mining lease awarded to a Canadian-Chilean joint venture, calling the agreement illegal.
As a tenant it is very difficult to find out much about the landlord before taking out a lease, certainly not their mortgage position.
According to TMZ, the owner of The Carlyle wants a judge to force Spelling out of her transitional home, saying her lease ended Jan. 31.
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With 25 years to go on the Nationals' lease, there's no backing out now.
But while MCI was trying to lease lines from Bell operating companies and resell telephone service, AutEx was figuring out how to arbitrage telecommunications another way.
And in the Eagle Ford shale, what you get out of a well varies greatly depending on where your lease happens to be located above the formation.
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It decided to lease its five-story building to a new city private school, and rented out the top two floors of a nearby school with extra capacity.
If the city opts out, the team is free to take on a year-to-year lease, essentially freeing it to move at any time.
And Alex, the owner, gave us a horse to lease so that our members, when they go on an interview and they're stressing out could come to the horse stables and free their minds.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'