• Zappos has advertised sparingly thus far, preferring word of mouth, and (unlike most companies) encourages employees to let it all hang out on Twitter and Facebook.

    NEWYORKER: Happy Feet

  • But Farrell's flamboyant oafs remain endearing for their guileless childishness, "mind-bottling" way with words, and the star's willingness to let it all hang out ("I thought you'd like to see what a real skater's body looks like, " he tells Jimmy over his paunch).

    CNN: Review: 'Blades of Glory' scores hilariously

  • They prefer to report and describe, and to let their readers work it all out for themselves.

    ECONOMIST: American slums

  • Or it could leave the current patchwork of state laws in place, choosing to let state legislatures and state courts sort it all out.


  • Author Barney Hoskyns is quoted as saying that a Mullet haircut involves "making a statement that you are a quiet 9am-to-5pm conformist in the week but you let it all hang out at weekends".

    BBC: Amazing tales from Planet Tabloid

  • They'll get to the bottom it and then we'll let all of you know what they find out.

    CNN: What's wrong with the Dreamliner?

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