Intel was one of many big technology companies that has partnered with Blizzard Entertainment to sponsor this event, which is broadcast livethrough DirecTV.
I'm used to getting e-mails from folks who will say it's wrong for me to look at thisthrough a racial lens and that we now live in a post-racial world.
"It is my greatest hope that his death will not be in vain and that throughthis research his legacy will live on and others won't have to suffer in this manner, " Tregg Duerson said.
Show attendees flocked to the "new M" demo counter this morning, nudging through the crowd for a chance to check out Leica's first live-view equipped M.
By the dozens, survivors of attempted suicide across the United States are volunteering to be part of a project by a Brooklyn-based photographer, Dese'Rae Stage, called "Live ThroughThis" a collection of photographic portraits and personal accounts.