They sat through the lockout with no quarterback at all under contract and were expected tomakea play for a veteran to support second-round draft pick Colin Kaepernick.
The layman might think that the obvious big gesture for Stormont tomake would be to publish the long delayed Cohesion Sharing and Integration strategy, adraft of which the BBC obtained back in January.
Having run out of time to correct the errors in the Draft EIS, I guess they just had to go ahead make an announcement of a hypothetical preferred alternative just to gain time to come to real, meaningful grips with the situation.
The first decision you have tomake is no easier: New parents should immediately update or drafta will that names a guardian in the event of their untimely demise.
And Chancellor George Osborne and Treasury Minister Mark Hoban are before the Joint Committee on the Draft Financial Services Bill to discuss how tomake us safe from a future banking crisis - that's at 3.45pm.
The SSA's new disability rules would make it easier for the agency to ban representatives who withhold certain medical data, according toadraft of the regulations.