Quitting shows you intended to make a profit and will help if prior losses are challenged.
Russian debt eventually bounced back enough for him to make a profit on the position.
It is hard to make a profit feeding obese people at an "all-you-can-eat" buffet.
Even if you're not trying to make a profit, running a research organization is not cheap.
It's not unusual for new consultant businesses to take three years to make a profit.
And he also mentioned that the company wanted to make a profit in 2011.
FORBES: Can Sentigo's Wall St. Scanner Make You a Better Investor?
Leave maths aside and concentrate upon observing what people do to make a profit.
Ocado nonetheless has yet to make a profit and seems unlikely to do so soon.
This is of course why the farmers do this work, in order to make a profit.
But eight years after setting up shop it has yet to make a profit.
"Expanding the hours gives investors more time to make a profit, " the exchange said on its website.
WSJ: Forget Stocks��Chinese Turn Bullish On Booze and Caterpillar Fungus
After all, if it cannot be run efficiently, it is not possible to make a profit at it.
FORBES: Colleges And Universities Should Operate More Like Businesses
The Stiftung's rules enjoin the company to look after its staff, as well as to make a profit.
And banks have a pretty good idea what interest rate to charge a specific borrower to make a profit.
"They are guaranteed to make a profit on the cost overruns, " Dooley said.
The intention is not for hosts to make a profit from the events.
Bayonetta sold enough to make a profit it was not a failure by any stretch of the imagination .
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The lower the implied volatility, the less the stock has to move for the option to make a profit.
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Like many internet companies, it has yet to make a profit but it is making smaller than expected losses.
Microsoft hopes to make a profit on its Xbox in this financial year.
"We still have to make the right product to make a profit, "says Baldwin, garbed in a standard Hollywood-issue black turtleneck.
Chase says that these three are about the only carriers expected to make a profit for all of fiscal 2003.
The corporate imperative to make a profit might be fairly labeled conservative, but the workplace environment itself is increasingly liberal.
Ever the pragmatist, Lord Archer even funded a production of Ben Elton's Popcorn and looks set to make a profit.
South African Breweries has successfully invested in China, becoming the only international brewer to make a profit in that market.
But developers would be able to make a profit by expanding the housing stock in the wealthiest parts of town.
It added its Xbox division was still expected to make a profit during the financial year beginning 1 July 2007.
To attract enough advertisers to make a profit, Icon needs desperately to at least double its tiny (by U.S. standards) circulation.
The House of Lords code of conduct says peers cannot engage in "paid advocacy" - using their access to Parliament to make a profit.
BBC: No 10 plans statutory register of lobbyists bill by July
First, the U.S. and Canada have clear tax schemes that allow oil and gas companies to make a profit from their work.