"I think they do need to maybe explain more, tell more about what's being done to make London ready for the Olympics in that sense -- transportation -- because that was one of the key issues before the vote in Singapore (when London won the Games in 2005), " said Ed Hula, the editor and founder of Olympics Web site Around the Rings.
You just go to do your best and make sure you're ready to make a good effort.
When they get to the point of sale, unless something changes, they may find overwhelmed school administrators trying to make sense of how to access and organize new sets of content using this new technology rather than buyers ready to make investments.
Also, new passing icons indicate when receivers are looking for the ball and ready to make a play, so digital QBs will need to be aware and only make the pass when the receiver is ready.
To this end, it is ready to make tactical concessions - but without compromising on what it regards as its inalienable right to enrich uranium.
With this year's album Country Club, the punk veteran dove headlong into a genre he'd always listened to, but was never quite ready to make his own.
Usually price had little or nothing to do with the fact that I was not ready to make a decision, but since these reps never bothered to ask, I felt no obligation to tell them.
The respondents to the post pointed out how they have had to rewrite applications to make them cloud ready.
FORBES: How CIOs and CTOs should Improve their Businesses with the Private Cloud
But despite the final scoreline, there were moments when England stood toe-to-toe with their rivals and seemed to be ready and able to make history.
The next meeting of the working group on Russian membership, in January, will show how far Russia is really prepared to adapt, and how many concessions other countries are ready to make.
Three years ago Cemex would tell customers it would try to make deliveries of ready-mix concrete (the kind that comes in the trucks with rotating barrels) within three hours of agreed delivery times.
And I also agree, as an inner city educator who had to invest his own resources in providing basic services and supplies to a debate team I coached, that teachers are not properly rewarded for such outsized initiative (Mr. Tarkenton, if you want to throw financial support behind my important work teaching debate to at-risk black and Hispanic teens, I am ready to make that reception).
Your health care team will thoroughly evaluate your health to make sure you're ready to start a cardiac rehabilitation program.
We just want to make sure that we are ready to handle the load, and we want to have a good system up when there is a public opening.
"It's basically a week, so we've got to get over there, get over jet lag and get some practice in to make sure we're ready to come next Thursday, " he said.
Last night, the President also spoke with Senator James Inhofe to make clear that FEMA stood ready to continue to support the people of Oklahoma through the immediate response phase as well as the recovery, and to let the Senator know that Oklahomans remained in his thoughts and prayers.
So we need you to be fired up and ready to go and ready to really roll up your sleeves and make this happen.
You just have to make sure the woman you sponsor is not only ready, but willing to make the sacrifices that are likely necessary for her to cross the threshold to power within the next year or two.
He said that it was for the parties to decide when the time is right, but the government will be ready to make the transfer of powers next May "as envisaged in the St Andrews Agreement".
But it has taken O'Neill's departure for Albrighton to become a Premier League regular, and he knows there are more youngsters ready to make the step up.
My Middle Class Task Force and the Council on Environmental Quality recently released a report titled "Recovery Through Retrofit, " that explains some of these hurdles and how we can overcome them: providing homeowners with straightforward and reliable information on retrofitting their homes, reducing their costs to do it, and ensuring that we've got a well-trained workforce ready to make it happen.
Rhapsody's "mature" desktop player is really starting to show its age, and Zune 3.0's addition of wireless downloads has us ready to make the switch.
And he gets advice from people he respects on a variety of issues and he listens very carefully to that advice on those varieties of issues, and then he makes his decisions when he's ready to make them, and talks about them when he's got news to talk about.
But let's hope these early experiences of investing in free stuff only to learn the true cost will make us more ready to think twice about when and how we wish to participate.
I've been to Mount Vernon several times, but it doesn't make me ready to be leader of the free world.
The president called Mayor Menino and Gov. Patrick to express his concern for those who were injured and to make clear that his administration is ready to provide needed support as they respond to the incident.
The fact that many people no longer have a landline, they only have wireless communication, and they need to make sure that they take the steps to make sure they're ready for that, but also realize that you're going to have a lot of congestion and difficulties getting through so you want to have backup plans.
Ms. Flaherty says she had been ready to make a move from her previous company.
WSJ: Looking to Executive M.B.A.s for Help Growing a Business
"He showed complete ignorance and said he was ready to make no concessions, " Morris said.
The song of the year, "Not Ready to Make Nice, " was the Texas trio's unapologetic response.