Why are they willing to make the sacrifice and take the risk?
"It was clear to me he had made the transformation from a boy into a man and a leader prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country, " Littrell said.
It means so many things - primarily about the fact that people are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for their friends and for their country.
Kenny Yap was away at Ohio State University in the U.S. then, but returned in a few years with a formal knowledge of business and management--and a desire to make good on the sacrifice of so many fish.
Taken individually, none of these steps may seem to be an undue hardship, a sacrifice too great to make in the interest of securing an elusive peace.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Camp David Outcome: ��Assisted Suicide' for Israel?
The only sacrifice he asked people to make was turning off the lights and checking the pressure in their tires.
An opinion poll earlier this year suggested that a majority of policyholders was prepared to make a sacrifice to stabilise the fund.
ECONOMIST: Now the insurer has to win support for its long-awaited deal
"If they can go out and buy my albums, I can at least make the sacrifice to holler at the few people who call, " he says.
He would sit on the porch, a cup of Red Diamond coffee on the rail, and stroke its beak, cooing to it, as if he wanted it to understand the awful sacrifice he was asking it to make.
If those who make the sacrifice to save and take the risk of investing find that the government is only going to seize their savings and investment when they are successful, they will soon sharply reduce their savings and investment, at least here in America.
It's a much smaller sacrifice than the Moses generation had to make, but it's still a sacrifice.
Sam Nunn (D-GA), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, roughly 80 percent of the "sacrifice" the government is being asked to make to achieve deficit reduction and provide economic stimulus is coming out of Defense Department spending cuts.
And he carries with him the memories of Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice to make this progress possible.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Sergeant First Class Leroy Arthur Petry
Some on the Conservative right find his existence convenient, because he is an outrider and they can look more pro-government than he does, without having to make any real policy sacrifice in the process.
That said, unlike the relatively small sacrifice that NFL veterans had to make financially because their rookies took 40% of the hit, NBA veterans will shoulder a greater burden and pressure to consider significant salary rollbacks in order to save their upcoming season.
FORBES: Reduction in NFL Rookie Salaries Comprises 40% of Revenue Shift Between Owners, Players
"That's the sacrifice I have to make as a father and as a husband: being away from my family, " he told CNN.
"That's the sacrifice I have to make as a father and as a husband -- being away from my family, " he told CNN.
Or to put it another way, unless a country like France is prepared to make a much greater sacrifice (for the good of the currency union) of its own government's budget-making powers than it currently seems prepared to do, it is quite hard to paint a rosy picture for the eurozone.
The Giants' Hunter Pence scored on a double-play groundout by Brandon Crawford to give the Giants a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the seventh and Pence hit a sacrifice fly in the bottom of the eighth to make it 2-0.
CNN: Giants shut out Tigers to take 2-0 lead in World Series
When you define a goal according to this method, you make your plans more real, and you now have a reason to sacrifice the things that are less important to you than your goal.
And subsidies for preschool make it harder for families to justify making the sacrifice to keep kids at home.
FORBES: Obama's Preschool Proposal Is The Magical Fantasy Of A Preschool Student
Send me, no matter how great the sacrifice I am called to make.
But they also want to make sure that middle-class folks aren't bearing the entire burden and sacrifice when it comes to some of these big challenges.
General DAVID PETRAEUS (U.S. Army): Success will take continued commitment, perseverance and sacrifice, all to make possible an opportunity for the all-important Iraqi political actions that are the key to long-term solutions to Iraq's many problems.
Now we are left to wonder whether Mr. Murdoch will be forced to make an Abraham-like sacrifice and abandon his son James, the former heir apparent.
Are workers really prepared to sacrifice their benefits and make their jobs less secure in order help the poor?
And, yes, at the margins there will always be tough decisions, but fundamentally no one can both believe in the American health care system and the professionals who provide that health care who believes in proper management believes you should sacrifice basic quality of care to the decision made by an accountant to make the bottom line of an HMO bigger.
The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make.
She may not have the same choice of avant-garde theatre, but that is a sacrifice she may be content to make.
ECONOMIST: Why space really is the final frontier in the internet age
Robinson Cano hit a two-run double, Lyle Overbay delivered a tiebreaking sacrifice fly and the New York Yankees rallied in the seventh inning after King Felix was forced to make an early exit, beating Seattle 4-3 Tuesday night.