For the 50 or so in attendance, Director Cordray and many of his top luitenants flew cross-country to Silicon Valley to send a clear message they mean business, and to offer a nibble of a locally sourced, organic carrot.
FORBES: Financial Bureau Sets Table for Innovation. Carrots on Menu.
Any family that has spent considerable personal and financial resources preparing for the generational transfer of a business, for instance, will know what the death tax can mean to a family business.
Sometimes being more generous to workers may mean the loss of business to lower-cost rivals, or even the eventual demise of the firm.
So while I'm all for bringing green business to Silicon Valley, I have to ask: Does that mean rescuing a business that shows no evidence of being able to make it on its own?
Their first order was to deploy uniformed marines in Manila shopping centers and other busy spots to show criminals they mean business.
And the move to installing fiber and manufacturing its own hardware mean that the company is diversifying its business model to include more direct payments from users and not be wholly dependent on advertising revenues to fund all of this infrastructure.
High wages and property values mean it is difficult to start a business in the area, or even to maintain one.
One lesson the British utilities have learnt is that privatisation cannot mean they are free to conduct their business as they wish.
If that scenario pans out, it will mean an end to ways of doing business that date back to the early part of this century, when Japanese companies were grouped as zaibatsu (the precursors of today's keiretsu) and backed by the government.
SprintNextel may no longer be a takeover target, but Wednesday's announcement that Sprint and Clearwire are combining their WiMax business to create a new mobile broadband company doesn't mean that the problems with Sprint's core business will be resolved.
But it would add to burdens on business, force people to disclose personal details to their employer, and mean that some smaller firms had to pay out more in credits than they owed in taxes.
So what does an assist mean in business if we were to establish this as a business statistic?
FORBES: How Would You Measure A Business Assist? Lessons From Great Basketball And Hockey Players
Congress needs to examine how Facebook develops its approach to privacy, and what its business plans mean for the future.
FORBES: Facebook's Changes Haven't Satisfied Privacy Critics
This will not only mean that business people will have to devote more of their time and resources to dealing with requests for money.
Before the vote on repeal, the Senate passed by 81 votes to 17 an amendment to the law which should mean less paperwork for business.
In the airline business, bigger does seem to mean better.
FORBES: A Strange Tale: How Muni Bonds Will Become Shares Of The Largest Airline
But it does not mean giving up the chance to succeed in the business world, or bow down to the man who has chosen his career over anything else.
FORBES: Working Mother Magazine Salutes 2011 Working Mothers of the Year
We want to see the international community responding and, you know, we've built coalitions before, I think that's what we should be doing now is building a coalition to make sure that President Mugabe knows that we mean business.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Michael Ancram MP, shadow foreign secretary
But, despite the frustrations of getting started, the board displays admirable resilience: its members now have desks, some even have business cards, and they mean to monitor that census by tirelessly demanding briefings and testimony and documents from Mr Prewitt's team.
Plus, because autonomics can perform routine IT processes much more reliably and efficiently than humans, implementing autonomics often means drastic reductions in mean time to resolution (MTTR), more consistent business-related outcomes and a huge amount of time that can now be dedicated to other more creative pursuits.
FORBES: Outage Prevention: Taking Humans Out Of The IT Equation
The director of Norfolk Tourism has said she "hopes" London 2012 will mean big business for Norfolk as she outlines plans to attract sports fans.
Councillors said the proposed route, which bypasses the Warrington Bank Quay station by deviating from the current line between Crewe and Wigan, would mean the loss of Taylor Business Park - home to 50 companies.
In the run-up to the election we spoke to several business-owners who expressed unease about what independence might mean for the economy.
When we quit a good paying job to start a business we anticipate that owning our own business will mean more fun and more money.
When asked more specifically what higher tax rates mean, it was clear that the business owner plans to offset the anticipated increased tax burden by making the company bigger by working a little harder on marketing.
FORBES: How I Know Higher Taxes Would Be Good For The Economy
Business owners were struggling to understand what the bailout agreement would mean for them.
So, what does it mean for business if lawmakers fall short on their current efforts to see the bill through?
To be sure, just because a business closes doesn't necessarily mean it failed and that another person is collecting unemployment.
This is about what reform would mean for the small business owner who will no longer have to choose between hiring more workers or offering coverage to the employees she has.