France has had to melt down 9m ten-cent coins, after the European Blind Union said they were confusing.
The system needed to melt down and extrude the reminder of the last batch before moving on to the new spools.
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So we know that we're likely to melt down when things get hectic, but what exactly are we supposed to do with that information?
As recently as the 1950s a character called Frank the Frame Burner drove his horse and cart around London collecting cast-off 19th-century gilt frames to melt down.
In the midst of an already tense tax season, taxpayers had a brief moment of worry last night when the online system for TurboTax appeared to melt down.
In like manner, I believe that reactors should be designed such that an earthquake of any magnitude could not destroy the reactor or its containment shell, further that if the reactor core was to start to melt down, the melt down itself would shut the reactor down and, at the very worst, the reactor would entomb itself with no potential release of radiation into the environment.
FORBES: A Year After Fukushima Meltdown, Is Nuke Power Any Safer?
Fear and risk aversion rule the short term reaction to nuclear melt down in Japan, the 3rd largest economy in the world.
Imagine if you were a super-villain who had taken control of all the world's gold, and had decided to melt it down to make a cube.
But this often made things worse, because the depreciation took the value of small coins below the point at which it paid to melt them down.
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"It was the intention to melt them down but they were exchanged for our medieval bells and hung in the tower wheee they rang for about 100 years, but were taken down in 1964, " he said.
But if the gold price falls a lot, he can always melt down the bars to make a really big crown.
Given the entanglement of international debts and loans, one or two small countries actually defaulting could well create another financial melt-down similar to what followed the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.
NASA's scientists have designed a device that would be carefully sterilised, and would then melt its way down through the ice, allowing the melt-water to freeze behind it to prevent contamination.
One sterling idea was to buy silver riyal coins and melt them down into ingots.
When markets melt down, investors tend to abandon speculative stocks and head for safer destinations.
Jasper town is nestled in the middle of the national park, where icy glaciers tumble down towering rocky peaks and melt to form wild, white water-choked rivers that cut through pine-filled valleys.
The answer is clear to space physicists and electrical engineers: it would blow out transformers and melt down our computer systems.
Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it.
If Cyprus's banks melt down and the economy of 800, 000 people collapses, it is really too small to hurt the rest of Europe directly.
Shunned by investors on Monday on fears that the nuclear crisis going on in Japan, as reactors explode and melt down after the horrendous earthquake and ensuing tsunami damaged cooling capacities, stocks from uranium miners to generator designers to plant builders have topped the charts for biggest losers.
FORBES: Uranium And Nuclear Stocks Feel The Shock Waves Of Fukushima Meltdown
After all of the histrionics about a global financial melt-down, when you finally did what the President and his echoes in the media told you to do, risk premiums barely moved.