Clingan's injury is likely to open the door to a start for Scunthorpe United's McCann.
Eventually, the pilot alerted the crew and was able to open the door himself.
CNN: Dutch 737 pilot locked out of cockpit while co-pilot sleeps
The first thing Stuber tells a child is to open the door and get out.
You just knew that no matter what mom and dad would be there to open the door.
And we need to get it corrected in order to open the door for the new chapter.
The decision to open the door to assisted suicide is likely to be controversial, our correspondent adds.
"I tried to open the door, but I couldn't, so I gave it a few kicks, " he said.
The first version required the app, which needs to be signed into, to be tapped to open the door.
It also begins to open the door to a proper debate about social transfers, including things like means-tested benefits.
It is understood he was crushed against another vehicle when he tried to open the door of the stolen car.
"This isn't what we struggled for, " he says and turns to open the door of his small, battered, hatchback car.
That couple came out and tried to sort things out with the first man, but he refused to open the door.
But on the other hand, Mr. Putin did seem to open the door a bit to more discussions on this issue.
Aamir ran downstairs offering to open the door - a decision which devastated the family and cost the youngster his life.
When he returned a short time later, the pilot used an intercom to ask his first officer to open the door.
CNN: Dutch 737 pilot locked out of cockpit while co-pilot sleeps
The father was able to open the door a few inches and saw the bodies of Chea and Sreap on the floor.
President Bush has been famously reluctant to acknowledge mistakes in Iraq or to open the door to changes in his Iraq policy.
The next week, Prince William happened to open the door to leave the Costa Coffee cafe the exact moment I was walking by.
FORBES: Close Encounters Of The Royal Kind: Going To College With Prince William
"Your parent has to open the door and let you walk out and find independence, experience it and become comfortable with it, " says Thompson.
CNN: Independence day: For our children it can be summer camp
Suarez said she spent hours trying to persuade the agent to open the door and pay her, but she finally gave up around 10 a.m.
Parents and caregivers need to open the door for frank, honest discussions with their children about STIs and behaviors that can place them at risk.
Aid workers are hoping the U.N. will have an easier time getting the governments of the Central African Republic and Chad to open the door for better security.
At my firm, we prefer to open the door for our startup clients, then step back to let them directly interface with the journalist.
The "minis" development process has been designed to open the door to a broad range of developers to encourage new talent and creative ideas to PSP.
ENGADGET: Sony announces 'snackable' 100MB Minis for PSN Store
History may bleakly record that Mr Clerides's sensible concession over the missiles came too late to open the door to a possible end of the whole Cyprus dispute.
Even if your loved one isn't ready to acknowledge having an issue with food, you may be able to open the door by expressing concern and a desire to listen.
But it seems to open the door to a new relationship between Russia and America which, with luck and skill, can lead the two countries into a very different future.
ECONOMIST: Rock-solid allies? No. But certainly enemies no longer
We saved tens of billions of dollars, and we used those savings to open the door to additional financial aid -- to open the door for college to millions more students.
Germany's interior minister proposed an immigration law intended to open the door to the many thousands of foreign workers, mainly skilled ones, that the country may need in the decades ahead.