Therefore, increasing the number of patients in a study also increases the likelihood that the results will be good enough to pass muster with the FDA. Imagine, Warrell says, realizing that your study would have been good enough with only 50 more patients--and then having to start over from scratch.
To be sure, calculating those scenarios--and getting them to pass muster with the insurance companies--can get hairy in a hurry.
Underscoring the difficult path gun curbs face in the GOP-run House, Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, repeated his plan to wait for the Senate to produce something and pointedly noted that the background check agreement had yet to pass Senate muster.
To pass muster with the Federal Aviation Administration and other certification bodies, wings have to sustain at least 150% of the load limit without rupturing.
To pass muster with the Internal Revenue Service, such programs should generally be established well ahead of an owner's retirement and pay "reasonable" amounts, White Horse's Mr. Ungashick says.
It would also have to pass regulatory muster in both the European Union and the United States.
She started Tibi to be a midprice alternative and says she understands what it takes to "pass muster" in the boardroom.
WSJ: Tracy Reese, Rebecca Minkoff, Tibi, Milly, Nanette Lepore Hit Sweet Spot
The President said today that Congress must muster the political courage to pass immigration reform.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
The two sides were gratified to discover they had anticipated all the concerns about a combination aired in the media, and had identified most of the solutions required to pass muster with regulators and investors.
To avoid allowing a "zombie government" to stagger on for years, unable to muster a majority to pass any new laws, the Fixed Term Parliaments Bill, says an election will be called 14 days after a lost confidence vote if no alternative government is able to show they have the confidence of MPs.
The European Commission talks of trying to come up with a new code that might pass muster with the parliament.
When the company assessed Autonomy before the acquisitions, the financial results appeared to pass muster.
This comes as no surprise, as the Feds always want to pass muster on any big deal, particularly when industry rivals combine their operations.
Failing that, a vote by at least 34 Senators will be an early indication that the treaty is unlikely to pass muster when it finally is acted upon.
Pallets that pass muster are sent back to the loading dock to be trucked out to another customer.
Let's say, for example, that a customer's connection is fine for browsing the web, but it doesn't pass muster for streaming content -- a service dedicated to video delivery could be added to close the gap.
ENGADGET: Researchers propose �� la carte internet services, overhaul for web infrastructure
Up to a point, this lowball valuation will pass muster at the IRS. In a typical FLP Dad and Mom remain in control.
Textron memos and calculations dealt with the extent to which its tax reporting would pass muster in an IRS audit.
But Ginsburg persuaded her colleagues that the statute would pass constitutional muster if limited to situations involving bribery or kickbacks.
If the votes are split, how can the chair facilitate the compensation committee meeting in such a way as to bring the group together for a workable solution that will pass muster with shareholders and executives alike?
This fact contributes significantly to the prospect that, assuming an agreement can be fashioned by the summiteers which includes further cuts in defense spending, the implementing authorization legislation will not be able to pass muster on Capitol Hill.
Every cycle you are expected to come up with ideas that can pass muster with your peers and the editors.
If you pass muster with the local building department, you'll probably have to renovate the space to please the local department of social services or child welfare agency.
Schemes to raise the debt burden on Germans without Bundestag control, such as Eurobonds, do not pass constitutional muster.
ECONOMIST: Why Germany is so reluctant to stump up for the euro
One factor affecting the nomination process includes background problems -- most notably seen with Cabinet secretaries who failed to pass muster.
To those who insist that no reform will occur if the leverage of an election is squandered, the response should be, if the changes being sought are needed and appropriate, there is every reason to expect that they will pass muster in a more deliberative environment.
Mr. Obama said in his State of the Union address last month that schools whose outcomes don't pass muster would face squeezed access to federal loans.
But there seemed much less agreement on whether the measures to plug them were constitutional, or even whether parts of the law that existed before McCain-Feingold could still pass muster.
ECONOMIST: A controversial old debate returns to the Supreme Court
It is now becoming increasingly clear that the Lokpal bill would not have passed muster in the upper house as the Congress party did not have the number of votes needed to pass the key bill.