But a shipper who hears tales about lost luggage may be inclined to patronize FedEx instead.
Today, Facebook operates in a similar fashion, yet members continue to patronize the service.
This hits on why I am so often frustrated by small businesses I patronize or want to patronize.
They will continue to patronize a local hospital because of proximity and word of mouth, without doing much homework.
FORBES: Five Lessons in Transparency from Cleveland Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove
For centuries, artists have relied on individuals and institutions to patronize their work.
FORBES: The Artist Entrepreneur: How Technology is Transforming the Art World
The "anti-Bloomberg" bill simply assures consumers freedom of choice on what food and what size soft drinks they want to buy, and which restaurants they want to patronize.
If you happen to patronize an independently owned gas station or grocery store, there's a chance your card company's purchase-coding system won't recognize it and you'll get the lower rebate rate.
Snyder's modeling shows that multiple stores need to stock more combined inventory to satisfy consumer demand than one location would, given the vagaries of more or fewer customers to patronize any one store.
His mission, he says, is not to patronize.
WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: Fr��d��ric Malle: A Nose for Business | 20 Odd Questions
Folks here are used to being treated by the media the way a hamster is treated by a preschool class -- those who like the little critter still tend to patronize him, and those who don't like him don't know the first thing about him.
Within this context, many Americans -- including residents of Atlanta, the ninth "gayest" American city in 2012, according The Advocate magazine -- have chosen either to enjoy Chick-fil-A's sandwich variations or to not patronize the restaurant because of its values.
That presents a challenge for Starwood Capital, since many mall owners and industry experts predict that shoppers and retailers increasingly will patronize stronger malls to the detriment of average and subpar malls.
According to our guide, about 200 to 300 tourists from the Japan patronize the Jumbo every night.
More and more wealthy Africans are also realizing that in collecting African art they can hold on to part of their heritage, as well as patronize growing artists.