Because I will not allow terrorists to plot against the American people from safe havens half a world away.
George Washington met here in 1781 with the Comte de Rochambeau of the French expeditionary army, to plot successfully against the British at Yorktown.
When I was a child I used to imagine that all our local cats met up every night after dark to plot schemes against the grown-ups...
Tahawwur Rana, 52, was convicted in June 2011 of conspiracy to provide material support in the plot against the Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten newspaper and of providing material support to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e Tayyiba-terror organization.
The British special services had to at least know of the plot against him.
The family claimed an MI5 agent, posing as an objector, embroiled Mrs Wheeldon in a plot to poison dogs guarding prisoners against the war.
Or, you could subtract the consumption line from the 45-degree line and get a saving line that you could plot against the investment line to get the same equilibrium levels.
FORBES: The Flawed Assumption Behind Ending The Bush Tax Cut For The Rich
From fresh research, it is Dr Hiley's belief that this "unbalanced fantasist" was a member of an MI5 department facing closure which fabricated this plot against the Wheeldon family to justify keeping their department open.
Jauregui was on holiday in northern Spain, having been forced to live abroad since 1996 when an assassination plot against him was uncovered.
Television reports last year mentioned the threat against Mr. Obama, and the plot to kill Gen.
WSJ: Bin Laden Plotted to Kill President Obama, Documents Show
Mr Sheridan has previously questioned witnesses from the SSP about a "plot to undermine me politically" and a "cabal" against him.
In addition, the Pakistani role in arresting a number of the suspects in the Heathrow terror plot indicates a continued Pakistani willingness to engage in the fight against lower levels of al Qaeda.
He soon learns that illegal insider information is the secret to Gekko's success, and together they plot a corporate raid against a small airline, Bluestar--the company Fox's father works for.
The key, I concluded, is to plot the different kinds of consequences of work (y-axis) against the different types of groups (x-axis) that do the work.
Again, I want to caution against drawing too much in the way of causal inference, but this scatter plot looks a lot like older scatter plots I have done.
During the trial, Najibullah Zazi, who admitted masterminding the plot, and Zarein Ahmedzay, who were both went to high school with Medunjanin, testified against him, likely in hopes of lighter sentences.
BBC: New York bomb plotter Adis Medunjanin sentenced to life
During the struggle against apartheid, township youths would gather eagerly in secret shebeens (illicit pubs) to plot revolution. also paid to produce a film that profiled a traditional Muslim woman in India who vaccinates children against polio, after conservative religious leaders began denouncing the vaccine as a U.S. plot to sterilize them.