• Even Mr Kertzmann says he can see why cable operators might still want to plump for Microsoft.

    ECONOMIST: Interactive television

  • Up to 40% of voters, say some pollsters, have not yet decided which lot to plump for.

    ECONOMIST: Italy

  • The island's voters, who are increasingly satisfied with their economic lot, have been showing little inclination to plump for formal independence.

    ECONOMIST: Impatient China

  • The government will find it easier to plump for Ms Barker's less controversial recommendations, such as a windfall profits tax on land developers, encouraging greater competition among housebuilders and dealing with the skills shortage in construction.

    ECONOMIST: Concrete is coming to a building site near you

  • Hodgson arrived at Fulham in late December after the sacking of Lawrie Sanchez, with chairman Mohamed Al Fayed ignoring the claims of younger candidates such as John Collins to plump for the widely-respected Englishman who is revered in Uefa coaching circles.

    BBC: Hodgson braced for final hurdle

  • After years when many young people scorned private enterprise and chose professional and public-service careers instead, it is surely a good thing that more of them should plump for jobs that contribute directly to economic growth.

    ECONOMIST: Too much inequality is bad for you

  • Some insiders even think Shah Deniz II will initially plump for TAP, allow Nabucco West to collapse, before resurrecting SEEP plans as and when more Azeri gas becomes available to fill Southern and Central European routes.

    FORBES: Pipeline Poker: Azeri Aces

  • Now we plump for style over substance - I want to show you two add-ons for the Firefox web browser that just make it look cooler.

    BBC: Talk Shoe

  • Even if the president did plump for an election, the polls suggest Mr Berlusconi would free himself of Mr Fini only to become a prisoner of the Northern League's leader, Umberto Bossi.

    ECONOMIST: Italy's beleaguered prime minister

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