EU, though, unlike Bulgaria, neither country has an association agreement with it that is supposed to precede eventual membership.
In only one case was bowel disease known to precede the onset of behavioural symptoms, while in another they appeared simultaneously.
Mr. HAROLD KOH (Dean, Yale Law School): So for us to precede and to try people under these standards would subject us to a charge that we're engaged in some of kangaroo justice.
In a statement issued without the usual summit to precede it, the G7 called on oil-producing countries to increase output in order to dampen oil prices, which have risen since June because of concern about a potential Israeli military strike on Iran.
In fact, I think starting any sentence with "just between us" is almost guaranteed to ensure that what you are about to say will not stay confidential, in the same way that it is usually a bad idea to precede any complex physical action with "Watch this!"
The view of another senior Treasury official, Under Secretary David Mulford, (expressed on the record at the London Economic Summit) to the effect that a currency stabilization fund for the Soviet Union would not be possible for at least 2-3 years -- a period of sufficient duration to permit structural reforms to precede ruble convertibility, will probably go by the boards within 6-9 months.
Therefore, the introduction of private currencies should precede any attempt to change the backing of the U.S. dollar.
On the other hand, the British, whose foreign minister, Jack Straw, visited Mr Arafat on February 13th, still support the American line that a ceasefire must precede any return to talks.
Now we wait to see if this will really precede movement in equity markets.
But strategizing must precede striving, according to John Weathington of San Francisco-based consultancy Excellent Management Systems.
That is to say, why, in our drum-thumping, ritually trumpeting time, did so little fanfare precede the opening of a movie with so much to recommend it?
As with reproduction itself, for people to become less fruitful, desire must precede performance.
That includes Springfield, where windy conditions will precede the possibility of up to 3 inches of snow and sleet Thursday, with the possibility of a quarter of an inch or more of ice to boot.
He says that doing so while supervising a child, even if a parent regularly looks up, would make the parent more likely to miss the kind of warning signs that frequently precede a mishap.
Unfortunately, he fails to see what should be strikingly obvious: capital formation must precede production, which then allows for consumption.
The service pack incorporates all of the smaller patches and updates that precede it, but also gives Microsoft an opportunity to add new features, or make significant changes in the functionality of the operating system.
Pinatubo, a volcano on the Philippine island of Luzon, began to rumble with a series of the powerful steam explosions that typically precede an eruption.
And no matter how long it runs, it's advertising that nearly guarantees the audience will be back in theaters -- to see a new movie, and watch the movie trailers that precede it.
CNN: Movie previews: Love 'em or hate 'em, they're here to stay
David McLetchie (Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party) said the only way to restore local control over fisheries was to vote Conservative at the next election as the General Election would precede any referendum.
Nevertheless, I am convinced that one other reflection must precede a decision based on the belief that removal is disproportionate to the gravity of the offenses established here, and that is: what are the consequences of a not guilty finding by the Senate?
Japan's Meteorological Agency is currently testing a prototype system which detects the oh-so-subtle "P Waves" that precede the destructive "S Waves, " and alerts major operations to halt their hustle and take cover.
ENGADGET: Japan Meteorological Agency develops earthquake warning system
Unmanned missions will precede that, though -- indeed, a new Moon probe is set to be the first launch from the aforementioned Vostochny Cosmodrome.