The firm uses statistical analysis to predict default rates from borrower attributes like income and past payment habits.
At these levels it is difficult to predict future inflation rates with any accuracy, so setting targets might actually damage the central bank's credibility.
Because each of these three potential outcomes represents a very real possibility, it has become nearly impossible to predict where tax rates will be come January.
Most bond pickers try to forecast interest rates or predict credit upgrades.
Three, you don't have to predict commodity trends or interest rates to take an informed, sensible approach to sectors in your portfolio.
Committee members will also predict when they expect rates to rise.
BBC: US Federal Reserve to publish interest rate projections
The company has been profit-forecasting on a monthly basis for about 40 years, trying to predict components such as sales, commodity prices and exchange rates.
He was one of the first people to predict, correctly, that a system of freely floating exchange rates, unconnected to gold, would work just fine.
But as interest rates edge up--prompting most economists to predict that home values will stabilize while demand softens--most think the merry ride is over for a while.
As legal departments institute increasingly creative alternative fee arrangements to predict and control costs, they need objective data in order to negotiate rates.
Such analysts also try to predict earnings for a quarter and to anticipate increases in revenue and profit growth rates.
Bank loan funds cite historically low default and high recovery rates, but many fail to cite nuances that imply that past performance may not predict future performance.
FORBES: Are Floating Rate Funds The Wrong Answer To Rising Rates?
Economists at National Bank of Greece, an Athens lender, predict that, if Greece returns to the drachma, incomes will fall by at least 55%, bank lending rates would reach 37%, output would plunge by 22% and property values would fall by half.