Firstly, he appears authentically angry at the failure to proceed with the Longannet carbon capture scheme.
Remarkably, having presumably done so, Mr. Clinton decided on 6 August to proceed with the nomination.
After consideration, the minister decided not to proceed with the introduction of this regulation.
And so they agreed today not to proceed with the final dividends of this year.
"We intend to proceed with the transfer once we have reached full agreement, " Graybeal said.
Mr Maginess said he believed the money was there to proceed with the plans.
The local authority now needs permission from Scottish Government ministers to proceed with the proposals.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Go ahead for school merger plans
Specter's drafting a letter asking for the investigation to proceed with the requisite clearances.
Two years later he joined the other directors in unanimously approving plans to proceed with the Dreamliner.
The developer was in a bind, unsure how to proceed with the game.
Apple, which works with suppliers to test new designs all the time, could opt not to proceed with the device.
Her father said Worcestershire County Council leant towards "calling her ordeal untrue" and encouraged her not to proceed with the allegation.
"As adults, and moreover as students of international politics, we then made the decision to proceed with the trip, " the letter said.
BBC: Panorama row: Six students on N Korea trip criticise LSE
The people said that there was general agreement to proceed with the suit, and that Attorney General Eric Holder approved the decision.
The government will announce in the Budget if it intends to proceed with the plans, which would take effect from April 2005.
Transport Minister Nicol Stephen said on Thursday that the Scottish Executive believed it was in the public interest to proceed with the project.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | M74 protesters vow to fight link
Regardless, Republicans, as expected, blocked the vote, keeping the Senate seven votes shy of the magic 60 needed to proceed with the motion.
In a compromise solution, the company was allowed to proceed with the closure provided it guaranteed jobs for the 629 workers at the sites.
The SpaceX chief expressed his confidence to proceed with the launch.
The government has dismissed reports of behind-the-scenes deals and it is expected to announce how it intends to proceed with the issue over the next few days.
Despite an ongoing criminal investigation into BPI and worries about the strength of its balance sheet, Mr Fazio gave the bank his approval to proceed with the bid.
In addition, the Pentagon plans to proceed with the delivery of 20 F-16 jets to Egypt, a step that looks to Egyptians like a vote of confidence in Morsy.
But he failed to find a better alternative, so when last May he was forced to proceed with the move more or less as planned, it cost him his job.
Based on interim results, the assessment advisor works with the service provider and the intermediary to determine if mid course corrections are necessary and how best to proceed with the program.
FORBES: Making Your Tax Dollars More Effective: A New Model For Impact Investing
Judge Chin has called for a "status conference" to be held on 7 October - the original date for the hearing - to determine "how to proceed with the case as expeditiously as possible".
The new Administration will also have to make a decision about whether to proceed with the planned expansion of the missile defense site at Fort Greely, Alaska, where 10 interceptors are stationed.
WSJ: Will Barack Obama Support European Missile Defense Against Iranian Ballistic Power?
"Despite opposition by Avila and despite having full knowledge of the dangers present with the package pick-up, (the supervisors) instructed Avila and Zapata to proceed with the directive, " the court document states.
CNN: Lawsuit seeks $75 billion in death of U.S. agent in Mexico
Public pensions are a political minefield and before aggressively pursuing these cases it is understandable that regulators and law enforcement might choose to proceed with the utmost of caution, or not at all.
On Wednesday, a DRD lawyer conceded that if the judge found that there had not been an appropriate assessment carried out then a decision to proceed with the project had to be quashed.
Due to the realities of a constrained credit market, petitioners were unable to secure financing that would allow them to proceed with the completion of their plan to build a residence on the property.