Managing thousands of details and multiple risks for each of the multimillion-dollar houses he builds, he spent years rushing around with "one foot off the ground 20 hours a day, running the same scenarios through my mind time and time again, and being unable to put it aside, " says Mr. Weissensee, 58, of Mill Valley, Calif.
However, as an investor, either you or your financial advisor (preferably both) need to be able to put emotions aside when it comes to dealing with poor performers.
If I walk outside the door today and these policies have been implemented, it would be as easy to go down the street, particularly if you're a low income, to open a savings account, to put some money aside as it is to, say, get a debit card or a store credit card or what?
We need to put that absolutism aside, leave it at the door, and get to the hard work of reaching an agreement.
Again, I think the message you have to take from what happened in November is that people want Washington to put aside the games that it normally plays and get things done.
The key point Bush made was that it is time to put aside the doctrine of mutually assured destruction that was the bedrock of security during the Cold War when it was basically a bipolar world, with the United States and the Soviet Union on opposite sides.
But I had to learn to put my pride aside because it wasn't putting any food in my stomach.
He was also good at coding, but put it aside to pursue a medical degree at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
It is time to put aside the hype and bring this launch into perspective.
It's time to put aside the intense partisanship of the past in favor of a coalition for change which encompasses both parties.
Free-marketeers and social conservatives may find it harder to put their philosophical differences aside now they are in power than when they were an unlikely combination in the fight against Clintonism.
It takes guts and gumption to put aside partisanship in favor of good governance.
Most people, it seems, want to put serious politics aside and enjoy themselves.
We put everything aside when it comes to these types of situations.
CNN: Texan town tries to rebuild with community, spirituality
Perhaps, though, it would be as well to put politics aside and return to economics, which is supposed to be more predictable.
He will be the first to say that needs to be put aside on Sunday and everybody go at it.
He believed this was because the focus when negotiating business agreements was very clear and it was easy for those involved to put aside any prejudices.
As a result, more employees are putting in longer hours, and many regularly face the dilemma of whether to stay late and finish a critical task or put it aside until the next day.
I've finished the first book and put it aside for a few months - to see with fresh eyes whether it's worth something or I need to throw it in the waste basket.
In other words he denied that he was trying to put race aside through his own candidacy, saying instead that it was an issue Americans could not afford to ignore.
Last month, some employers began offering workers something besides the traditional 401K. The new Roth 401K allows employees to put aside some of their after-tax salary and withdraw it later, tax free.
Fairly or not, Blackshaw has come to represent the "academic" side of the acoustic guitar (as opposed to the raw American Primitive sound of the late Jack Rose), so it's a surprising and somewhat ballsy move to put aside the full, resonant sound of a 12-string acoustic for the staccato feel of the electric guitar, with all the rock baggage that instrument carries.
That is largely because it is a tax efficient savings scheme that allows you to put aside some of this year's income to use at some point in the future.
They justify the decision to publish it today by pointing out that, although Parise had indeed put it aside at a time when he knew he was dying, he left no clear instruction against publication after his death.
Already, Mr. Abe has quietly put aside for now plans to overhaul a rigid labor system that makes it difficult for companies to shed staff.
And the question is whether or not Democrats and Republicans are willing to put aside the expedience of short-term politics in order to get it done.
And what I've tried to suggest is that this is one of those times where we've got to put that kind of behavior aside, because the American people can't afford it.
It's time for Congress to meet its responsibility, put these kinds of divisive measures aside and take action on jobs right now.
It also means a Scottish government working with these figures would struggle to put much North Sea revenue aside for a Norway-style trust fund.