To put it bluntly, in this transparent, on-all-the-time world, a brand is as a brand does.
FORBES: Steve Stoute Knows Jay-Z And Lady Gaga, And He Knows What Makes For Powerful Branding
To put it bluntly, classical chemical theory predicts that cars should not start in the morning.
To put it bluntly, the Bush Administration has been a disaster when it comes to telecommunications deregulation.
It's just that, to put it bluntly, the money all looks the same when it comes in.
To put it bluntly, higher inflation and interest rates are on the way.
The DLC is, to put it bluntly, exactly what DLC ought to be.
FORBES: 'Borderlands 2' Captain Scarlett And Her Pirate's Booty Review: DLC Done Right
Crucially, the American electorate is, to put it bluntly, becoming less white.
Then, to put it bluntly, the more successful she is, the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you.
And to put it bluntly, this year we are probably facing a period of above-target inflation and a marked slowing in growth.
To put it bluntly, a brand is as a brand does.
FORBES: What Brands Can Learn From Pan Am--The Airline And The Show
To put it bluntly, I make my money consulting with tech companies, most of which I write about at one point or another.
To put it bluntly, the "bridge-loan" (BIS originated or otherwise) envisioned by most G-7 partners, would represent a bridge to nowhere under current circumstances.
To put it bluntly, the measures military leaders are contemplating to cope with budget cuts amount to a collapse in the global readiness of the joint force.
Johannesburg is, to put it bluntly, a dangerous city in certain neighborhoods, including the Central Business District and ill-famed Soweto, with violent muggings and carjackings the main problems.
However, recent efforts to dampen unethical behavior in organizations, with codes of ethics, compliance departments, ethics training and the like, have often been stunningly ineffective, to put it bluntly.
To put it bluntly, large-scale debt monetization is bad.
FORBES: Links 9 Jan: The Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin. Voters Aren't Stupid, You Know
The NFL, to put it bluntly, is under siege.
FORBES: New Orleans Saints Are Becoming The NFL's Biggest Headache
He said it in response to a question from a friendly Labour AM during First Minister's Questions, a weekly event where Carwyn Jones is, to put it bluntly, rarely put under pressure.
To put it bluntly, Sprint is not amused.
FORBES: Clearwire Gets $3.30/Share Takeover Bid From Dish Network
To put it bluntly, Merida is the first animated princess in major American film history who does not fall in love, who does not act on the basis of romantic motivation, and who does not (mild spoiler alert) choose a handsome mate in the end.
FORBES: 'Brave' Is Actually Quite Brave: Pixar's Fantastic Feminist Document
And then the second point is what is, we now have is a situation where to put it bluntly the Countess unwisely in her discussions with us clearly shows herself to be trading off her Royal connections, so she's, you know she's mixing up her Royal persona with the harsh commercial world.
To put it bluntly, I think the baby boomers, and those following in their wake, aren't investing enough in either the private- or public-sector capital that they must be able to sell during their retirement to the next (smaller) generation of working people, to persuade them to keep us all in our dotage.
We have, to put it very bluntly, a lot of explaining to do.
BBC: Women bishops: Church has 'lost credibility' says Rowan Williams - BBC News
Or, to put it more bluntly, Sir George said he would rather spend more time uncomfortable in an ambulance than being "happy and dead".
Bluntly put, the Federal Reserve today uses no reliable gauge to determine if it is providing the markets with a sufficient, noninflationary or nondeflationary supply of money.
Bluntly put, the limitations of technology are the creativity, resources and political will to implement it.
FORBES: Deborah Derrick on How to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria