They have made bad mistakes, which they are now desperately trying to put right.
Evidently angered by his poor play, he opted against attempting to put right his errors.
It wants to put right misunderstandings about the French secular state and the obligations of religious groups.
On will compensate customers is a positive step by the company to put right their mistakes and is welcome.
So the council undertakes to put right any damage done by its tenants.
This will have been a failure that costs a lot to put right.
So, at that meeting I and my officials developed with them an operational plan to put right what had gone wrong.
The second reason is that the banks are counting the cost of past mistakes which they are now trying to put right.
ECONOMIST: There is no quick way out of the quagmire for Germany's banks
But a more recent failing, and one that will be harder to put right, is the industry's attempt to insure elderly Americans.
The new owners could be stuck with a property which they cannot afford to put right and which no one else wants to buy.
Fair enough, but inflation is easier to put right than deflation.
It has taken years for New Cumnock to get to this point and it will take years to put right but the sooner these issues are tackled the sooner they can be resolved.
Foundation schools may decide to do building work without getting local authority agreement - but they cannot raise a loan on the buildings and of course it means they have to put right anything that goes wrong.
Rundle sailed the ball in from the right and Dagnall claimed the final touch in a goalmouth scramble to put Rochdale right back in it.
These celluloid beauties may have been once forgotten but Kilruddery hopes to put that right.
To put this right, Mr Henkel wants fundamental changes to the way Germany is governed.
Ms Cameron said the new legislation would require manufacturers to put the right information on labels.
BBC: Jersey health plans law change to challenge mis-labelling
He is determined to present himself as the man with the plan to put that right.
"Something's really wrong here and something has to be done to put things right, " Ms Joshi says.
But like many other problems in Guatemala, there is no obvious way to put things right fast.
They may well see what is wrong but are not in a position to put it right.
The trust's Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Helen Blanchard, said it has already begun to put things right.
Remember that the next time someone claims the only way to put things right is to curb benefits.
Second is financial regulation: its flaws have been laid bare, and the summiteers will want to put it right.
This is our last chance to put this right and get the regrading we need and our students deserve.
Unfortunately, it will take longer to put this right than it will to change competition policy and planning regulations.
ECONOMIST: Productivity: The British disease revisited | The
It is tempting to spend taxpayers' money on trying to put that right.
The restructuring announced on Monday is the first significant effort by Mr Gilmartin's replacement, Richard Clark, to put things right.
No-one doubts that will be offered the chance to put that right as Welsh manager whether it is sooner or later.
It's about serious long-term thinking: analysing what's gone wrong with our criminal justice system, and developing serious plans to put it right.