The 10-year-campaign to encourage mothers to put their babies to sleep on their backs have been widely credited for this.
About 2, 500 babies die from SIDS each year, down from about 4, 000 per year in 1992, in part due to campaigns urging parents to put infants to sleep on their backs.
BBC: Seven bailed after rabbits and ducks in Barry 'tortured'
Contrary to what its name might suggest, Mega might be the weakling of the pair, rocking a mere QVGA display, which as far as modern WinMo sets go, is pretty much the only spec we need to know to put us to sleep.
ENGADGET: HTC Leo and Mega to be awesome and not-so-awesome, respectively?
The advice given by FSID on how to reduce the risk of cot death remains the same - parents are urged to put their babies to sleep on their backs, and smoking by parents both in pregnancy and afterwards near the child is discouraged.
This means I usually never shut down my computer, preferring to put it to sleep or standby where possible.
Staff initially thought they would have to put her to sleep but Yvonne said the tiny four-week-old kitten seemed so determined to survive that they began treatment.
During 2012 Hackney Council collected 215 dogs - 76 were re-homed, 97 were returned to their owners and 42 were put to sleep.
"Unfortunately, due to their extremely poor condition, they have been put to sleep, " an RSPCA spokesman said.
Reading bulleted text from an on-screen presentation is a phenomenal way to put your audience to sleep.
The beautiful thing about boring stocks is their tendency to put investment managers directly to sleep.
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Socrates spent his life trying to wake people up, and his sleep deprived fellow Athenians eventually put him to death so they could go back to sleep.
The dog was put to sleep at a secret location, the council said.
Two months later and 30-year-old Mercedes was "put to sleep" after a rapid deterioration in her health and welfare.
The two elephants have been suffering from tuberculosis, and the city authorities have insisted that they should be put to sleep as they pose a threat to other animals in the zoo and its visitors.
More likely, both men will be so smooth and well-rehearsed that they will put voters to sleep.
Rather than put them to sleep, both Ambien and its generic twin, zolpidem, appear to awaken at least some of them.
For sensitive operations like spine, heart or brain surgery, doctors don't just put patients to sleep, they temporarily paralyze them with powerful muscle relaxants.
Eventually, Sopat sat across from me, and after she put Angel to sleep on a mat on the floor Veata joined us, followed, finally, by her father.
Saying someone's last book was an engrossing read when it put you to sleep is different than saying you generated steady investment returns when in fact you blew every last penny.
That put him to sleep, but in between doses he woke and cried again, saying that a gator had his leg or a bear was hugging him to death or a snake had wound itself around the long part of his arm and was crushing it.
After 25 minutes of this, not even a board meeting will put you back to sleep.
Users can, for example, write or edit a document on one device, put that device to sleep, open the same document on another device, and pick up where they left off, right down to the cursor position.
Three cheers for Professor John Zimmerman, who's finally doing some research to benefit Joe Public, and who has invented a device that lets parents sleep in late and put the kids to bed early on those long summer days.
ENGADGET: 'Reverse Alarm Clock' keeps the kids in bed so you can party
"She saw several doctors put Mr. Jackson to sleep in hotel rooms while on tour, " Putnam said, including in Munich, London, Paris.
Seeing a chance to put Hercules out of commission for a while, Juno wants to borrow Sleep for a couple of hours, and Pasithea agrees.
There seems to be a grave worry here that 2.5 seconds of downtime between beach volleyball points would put 15, 000 people to sleep, so there's been a never-ending blast of music Miami Sound Machine, Maroon 5, Usher, Yakety Sax (better known as the theme to "The Benny Hill Show").