His answer is simple: "We need to put technology to use to address the issues of reducing non-combatant casualties in the battle-space".
Often key components are tools that are no longer used as tools but Mr Higgs can find a way to put them to use again.
It was a revolution of gadgets, important not because of their scientific merit but because private businesses were now able to put them to use for profit.
But Mr. Bush moved quickly to put it to use in what has been his central strategic imperative over the past week, trying to rouse Republican voters to turn out.
His gruff, idiosyncratic voice only seems to gain more character with each passing year, and Hiatt seems determined to put it to use, with six albums released in the past 10 years alone.
It takes longer for the business owner to acquire funds to grow their business, and then to put those funds to use to derive calculable results presented in economic activity reports, as compared to the much quicker effects we see in the stock market when investors simply actuate their positive sentiment into stock purchases.
Buyers in the wireless industry would gain the capacity they need to expand, and because they would pay billions for this bandwidth they would have every reason to put it to full use, not leave it idle as it is now.
WSJ: Should Some of Broadcasters' Spectrum Be Auctioned Off to Wireless Carriers?
The savvy residents of Atlanta know how to put coupons to good use and stretch their grocery budget better than residents of any other city.
And the 442-metre-high tower has continued to be put to good cinematic use.
Some 26% said they expect to see those skills put to use immediately, and another 26% expect so within a year of graduation.
Rather, the entire building envelope will be able to put it to use, allowing the structure to produce its own power and feed additional power into the grid system.
FORBES: More Solar Innovation: Stanford's Peel and Stick Flexible Application
Many of the biggest private-equity firms have raised billions of dollars in war chests aimed at the ailing financial sector, and are just waiting for the chance to put them to use.
Rather than release it straight to the commercial market it's tailor-made for, 3M told us that we could expect to first see it put to use in educational settings -- offering children, parents and teachers kinesthetic learning opportunities.
ENGADGET: 3M Touch Systems 46-inch Projected Capacitive Display hands-on (video)
And, of course, the conclusion of this story is that I had to put my insurance to use last week.
After graduation, to put my skills to use, I moved to Cairo, and then to Tunisia, where I just finished working with divorced women.
Perhaps what profit seeking banks are now saying is that 25 bps is no longer enough to keep them from deploying that reserve stash, that they now want to put that stash to better use.
FORBES: Monetary Watch October 2010: Banks printing money again, QE II in November?
Hyuck Choo seems to think that it can be put to use in short order in the medical field, but it remains to be seen if we'll see this in the next wave of Google Fiber rollouts.
In the hands of a true geek, the Ion has the potential to see its feature set put to full use, but that close-knit niche isn't likely to be eyeing a mid-2012 Gingerbread handset with an outdated processor.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia Ion review: an Android handset with a split personality
The stock markets were designed to get money to growing companies that could put it to best use and, in the process, give normal people a way to invest their cash in vehicles with the potential for growth.
FORBES: As Europe, Canada Try To Control Bot Traders, The U.S. Falls Behind
Dr Negro cautioned that there was no way to tell how the feathers were put to use.
Investors have pressured Apple for years to put the cash to good use.
To put surplus food to better use, the Environmental Protection Agency is partnering with businesses and organizations in the Food Recovery Challenge, which is helping participants support their communities through food donation and protect their bottom line by reducing waste.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- America Recycles Day, 2012
Pretty neat we think, and wide open to be put to even more creative use.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 9.22.12: Quantum Scotch tape, moving walls and scientific beer
Levein and company are certainly mindful of the need to get the campaign off to a good start, to "put points on the board early" to use a commonly uttered phrase.
Taking the time to inquire about the actual outcomes an organization is able to achieve on behalf of the issues and populations it targets can be critical to understanding how your charitable gifts are being put to use.
FORBES: When Picking Charities, Use Your Heart...And Your Head
By channelling money from those who have it spare, to those who can put it to good use, Wall Street and the City help drive the investment that underpins economic growth.
Then they come to conclusions about the human condition, which they put to use in improving their matching algorithms and, perhaps just as important, in getting out the word that they are doing so.
Our knowledge is limited and, just as importantly, our ability to put that knowledge to use is limited.
The technology, and our ever-improving ability to put it to productive use, will continue driving real gains in living standards.