With ObamaCare more unpopular than ever, House Republicans voted last month to repeal it.
Now the shoe is on the other foot as Republicans try to repeal that law.
There were a couple of other times they tried to repeal it through the budget resolution.
What is needed is to repeal and replace these job killers with job creators.
In their weekly address, Republicans focused on the party's effort to repeal the health-care law.
But Democratic leaders have opposed efforts to repeal a 1981 law barring most offshore drilling.
On the contraception issue, Speaker Boehner is promising to repeal the rule through legislation.
He definitely wants to repeal Dodd-Frank, but won't say what he'll replace it with.
Many Republicans in Congress want to repeal the Dodd-Frank Fin Reg bill lock, stock and barrel.
There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases.
Just this month, Democrats and Republicans alike voted for a measure to repeal this board.
It would also have the opportunity to repeal, making for a long legal process.
Mitt Romney has pledged to repeal Obamacare and institute block grants for Medicaid.
If the legislature decides to repeal that marriage law will he support that decision?
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines wants the government to repeal the 1993 law.
But in the past, Governor Romney has said he just wants to repeal Dodd-Frank.
Democratic leaders had previously opposed Republican-led efforts to repeal a 1981 law barring most offshore drilling.
The promise is to repeal Dodd-Frank and replace it with a "streamlined, modern regulatory framework".
The House of Representatives has already voted to repeal the estate tax on inherited property.
Mr Obama's re-election also safeguards his healthcare reform law, which Mr Romney had pledged to repeal.
He also pledged to repeal the law that prohibits homosexuals from serving in the military.
The House of Representatives, led by the Republicans, voted last month to repeal the bill.
Senator John McCain of Arizona introduced an unsuccessful bill to repeal the perimeter rule in 2009.
Buy an old-fashioned car, and ask your congressman to repeal the hybrid credit.
Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is still trying to repeal carried-interest tax rules, thus raising taxes, for investment managers.
FORBES: With Warts, Fin Reg Passes House And Heads To Senate
The question is what should, or can, members of Congress do to repeal and replace the legislation?
Health Care : Romney has already promised to do his darndest to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
It could also be very difficult to repeal, especially if economic growth continues to falter by 2012.
Obama said he still wants to repeal the act, as he advocated during last year's election campaign.
So Jay pressured states to repeal their laws, and Americans to honour their part of the bargain.