They had come to town seeking treatment for Mr Bhosle's father, who lost an eye in the attack, and to report the incident to the police.
Mr Farrar said he accepted trying to get somebody who was being sexually exploited to report it to the police was very difficult and the true picture may be greater.
In San Antonio people are under strict orders to curb their water use, and if you see your neighbours watering the lawn you are supposed to report them to the police.
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) said it was difficult to assess the scale of the problem in Wales as victims were very reluctant to report problems to the police or trading standards.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Special team targets loan sharks
SARCs are mostly able to assist in the immediate aftermath of an assault and can store the forensic results until you make up your mind whether to report to the police or not.
He said the matter could now be taken up by the police and he was pleased that the Electoral Commission had moved quickly to report these matters to the police.
Files released in 1991 - spanning incidents from 1971 to 1991 - also showed a pattern of failure to report sexual abuse to the police, even when a confession had been made.
BBC: Boy Scouts release files on suspected child sex abusers
Neither do they want to be ordered to report a stolen gun to the police.
Under the law, "campus security authorities, " including coaches and athletic directors, are required to report crimes to the police.
All of the volunteers were then asked to rate how immoral it would be for someone to take an abandoned bicycle rather than report the bicycle to the police.
Officers said the practice was "illegal and dangerous" and urged anyone who saw the riders to report registrations numbers to the police.
Speaking in Downing Street after meeting the prime minister and the new Home Office minister for security, Admiral Sir Alan West, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith urged members of the public to report anything suspicious to the police.
And if they should come across trouble, there is an easy way to seek support and report an abuser to the UK police - just use the Report Abuse tab at the top.
Law enforcement agencies also urged the public via Twitter and Facebook to report suspicious activity to the police.
Crowley wrote in the Cambridge police report that Gates refused to step outside to speak with him, the police report said.
While monitors are seeking out and recording inflammatory statements at rallies, individuals are encouraged to report hate speech to the police via text.
She said the provision of a dedicated ISVA was particularly important as they "will predominantly work with women who have chosen to report their assault to the police".
The trader said he had gone to the UN and the police to report a crime but nothing happened.
McClain returned to the apartment as the investigation was continuing and asked to speak to police, the report said.
Mr Gilbert admitted that hare coursing remained a big problem and urged anyone affected by it to report the crime to police "with as much detail as possible".
BBC: Berkshire police admit hare coursing remains a problem'
The jump, according to a report released Monday by the police, was because more people were approaching the authorities to report such crimes as the developments after the Delhi gang rape in December had increased the awareness on woman safety in India.
Warwickshire Chief Constable Andy Parker was due to present the report's findings to the county's Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Ball.
The Pollard Review, which will also look at the BBC's handling of material which might have been of interest to the police, will report to the BBC Executive Board.
Stella persuaded her to go back to the police and report the growing number of threats, the constant text messages, but the officer didn't even file the complaint.
As a result of such measures, and of closer co-operation between police and prosecutors, the number of sex workers who report attacks to the police has shot up, and so have convictions.
If they report the crime, the police often refuse to file a report or try to get the victim and attacker to reach a settlement.
Although he sought help from friends at the party, Kennedy did not report the accident to police until the following morning.
CNN: Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dies after cancer battle
Traumatised and suicidal, she did not report the event to the police.
Police said the report would be passed to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.