This is obviously a shared concern and is going to require shared effort on the part of both of our nations.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Calder��n Press Availability | The White House
Paid lobbyists of foreign companies are working to kill a Pentagon effort to require the screening of non-US entities seeking to buy American businesses.
Unusual sentences with complex clauses and odd punctuation tend to require more conscious effort, which leads to more activation in the dorsal pathway.
WSJ: How E-Readers Change the Way We Read | Head Case by Jonah Lehrer
The result is that subsequent structures collapse at increasingly lower heights and require more effort to build.
FORBES: Fed Is Killing The Recovery With Quantitative Easing
When the parties were here earlier in the year, we said this was going to require constant attention and constant effort.
Greater responsiveness to local concerns would require, on the Irianese part, an effort to better articulate their wishes and accept more responsibility.
He said the prison had "serious operational deficiencies that will require a concerted effort to change".
Healthy partnerships require time and effort to cultivate trust, discuss issues, and negotiate conflicts.
It will require a broader effort to make life more just and equitable for the people who inhabit this Earth.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy
There is no mystery as to what such an effort will require.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time for a New ��Hail Mary Pass�� on Iraq
Even to double these figures would require considerable effort and large investment.
"Those regulations require us to make every reasonable effort to obtain information through alternative means before even considering a subpoena for the phone records of a member of the media, " it said.
And I have often said that the creation of such an economy is going to require nothing less than the sustained effort of an entire nation -- an all-hands-on-deck approach similar to the mobilization that preceded World War II or the Apollo Project.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
The IMF has praised Monti's efforts to sort out Italy's public finances but says deregulation and labor reform require further effort, just as the Italian economy is forecast to shrink 2% this year.
It is going to require the same amount time, money, effort and the like.
FORBES: What Do You Do When You Have To Choose Between Love and Money?
That would require an enormous effort and cost to prove the wrongdoing.
FORBES: Small Investors Smacked Down, One More Time, in Schwab Ruling
Any successful effort to amend the bill would require the House to vote again and delay delivery of the measure to the president.
We are going to be increasing the production of oil in the United States, but there is a global plan put forward that would say this will require a concentrated effort for years to come, but ultimately, what this is about is diversifying our supply of energy from oil into many other different sectors, and with that we can have the means to go forward.
We've endorsed a proposal that would require that companies make a reasonable effort to remove it before sharing less-sensitive data.
WSJ: Should Minimum Standards Be Required Against Cyberattacks?
Replacing nuclear power with renewables could offset some emissions but would require tremendous effort and expense, according to the study, which was supported by the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making, a consortium of research institutions based at Carnegie Mellon.
FORBES: Shutting Nuclear Plants Would Boost Coal And Carbon Emissions
Mr Salmond said it would be foolish to claim success in the battle against drug abuse, however the number of young people using drugs was falling and it would require a joint effort across all parties to combat the problem of drugs.
The more wide-ranging effort to reform Medicare, however, would require congressional action.
They should receive the best care possible, including palliative treatment, a dimension of terminal care that is often scandalously neglected: and this in turn will require, in America, a proper effort to extend health coverage to the uninsured.
In the interest of transparency, the government should require that its regulatory agencies make a genuine effort to estimate and take into account the true economic cost of the thousands of jobs that can be lost from a single regulatory change.
Recent news was that The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in an effort to reduce distracted driving is urging all 50 states to require that products not essential to driving be unusable by drivers.
As for the second largest group of non-income taxpayers, the senior citizens, an effort to increase the income tax responsibilities for this class would necessarily require that we place an increased level of income tax on their social security benefits.
FORBES: The Real Truth Behind The 47 Percent - Why Aren't These People Paying Federal Income Taxes?
Other firms--particularly sales and consulting operations that require a lot of client contact--are also making the effort to adjust their training for the new breed.
That would require a movement built not around corporate bromides, but a collective grassroots effort to demand the fundamental social change necessary to grant independent mothers a genuine independence.
The large eggs of the island population, Dr Jaisson suggests, require so much effort that one queen, or even several, would be unable to keep a colony going.
The reason is that some engineering problems are so hard and require so many years of effort and layers of interacting systems that nobody is going to solve them and give them away.
FORBES: Why SQL Matters, the Limits of Open Source, and Other Lessons of EMC Greenplum's Pivotal HD