In 1997, a creature said to resemble a "cat-like beast" savaged a foal in Felingwm, Carmarthen.
If that happens, supermarket chains and online outfits will gradually come to resemble each other.
They could hammer the body of a Toyota or a Pontiac to resemble a dream car.
The country, in many ways, was beginning to resemble the nation we live in now.
Grids of multi-coloured letters and numbers illuminate the background, itself computer-enhanced to resemble a pitch-black sky.
EuroCave is a wine-storage refrigerator made in France to resemble the conditions of a natural cellar.
In this way, some travel suppliers' websites will come to resemble those of online travel agents.
Several set their pricing to resemble that of venture-capital firms or investment banks, structurally.
If these trends are reinforced, Brazil's supreme court will start to resemble similar courts elsewhere.
In short, Internet access would begin to resemble international telephone access with its high rates.
Animals live in appropriate social groups within enclosures designed to resemble their natural habitat.
In the neo-chartalist view of the world, fiscal policy comes to resemble monetary policy.
Instead, working life will start to resemble its old self before the internet was invented.
After so many overseas deals, Japanese drug companies are beginning to resemble foreign ones.
ECONOMIST: Japan's drug firms on the move: A homespun elixir | The
It was written in a hand that was said, implausibly, to resemble the captain's.
Some were kept in cages lit constantly, so as to resemble a never-ending overcast day.
Or the whole thing could be so dense that the pie begins to resemble an upside-down cobbler.
The parrot had plucked out most of its feathers was was said to resemble an oven-ready chicken.
Although poor Hispanic families are coming to resemble poor black families, they do not feel like them.
With Joan Chen, as a factory worker said by her colleagues to resemble the actress Joan Chen.
Second-year Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick began to resemble the fledgling superstar he'd been presented as for weeks.
Higher education in the United States is coming to resemble any other kind of personal service industry.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
The alternative-culture blog Boing Boing revamped its design in honor of Jobs to resemble retro Macintosh software.
And if users continue to resemble basted turkeys, fake tan will continue to be the target of snobbery.
The TSA then moved to administratively upgrade TSOs uniforms to resemble those of a federal law enforcement officer.
By the time Stevie Wonder appeared, the stage was beginning to resemble a Who's Who of pop music.
The buildings are designed to resemble a giant mobius strip - a continuous loop with only one side.
There are an unpleasant number of ways in which the current impasse could come to resemble that ancient race.
But then neither can I make out the elephant, warrior and shoe that other outcrops are said to resemble.
After Mother passed away, he and I came to resemble two flat-sharing bachelors held together by circumstance or obligation.