It's been isolated from Raeburn's oeuvre, which in a way is good because it made people look again, but I don't want Raeburn's whole reputation to rest on this one canvas.
Arguably, the question whether the Shariah in SCF is a material fact that ought to be disclosed will rest on one of two analytical approaches, or possibly both.
Not one to rest on his laurels, he has already looked for another treatment that could further extend the lives of patients for whom Gleevec was no cure, and also work against cancer in the patients who did not respond to the drug at all.
While the company certainly provides a model for other corporations looking to be more engaging to their employees, no one at Freudenberg-NOK is content to rest on laurels.
However, Maisel said pacemaker and defibrillator patients shouldn't tuck them in their front pockets, drape them over their shoulders or allow a loved one to rest his head on their stomach while mellowing out and listening to an iPod.
Finally, as the lights from his Deepsea Challenger submersible set the seafloor aglow, Cameron came to rest at one of the most isolated spots on the planet.
Carriages of one of the trains came to rest on top of the other after a moving train hit a stationary vehicle above ground near a station.
Connerton has scored 35 goals this season and will immediately return to the Unibond Division One club on loan for the rest of the campaign.
The typical cycle for a unit was five and a half days out, followed by one and a half back on post to rest, refit, check e- mail, and clean up.
When information flows were easier to control, violence in one area had little impact on the rest of the country.
But it will become increasingly difficult to focus intensely on one or two issues while blocking out the rest of the noise.
In due course the figure will fall to eight, with just one position inside the city and the rest on the edge.
"There is little doubt that Jimmy being willing to take on the role for the rest of the season is a positive one as it will allow the board time to make a valued assessment of the situation and not be forced into making a quick and hasty decision on a new manager, " it stated.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Partick Thistle | Bone to stay in charge for season
I, and the rest of HP, right now are focused on one goal: to exploit the intersection for our customers and yours.
We were one of the first to move in, and construction on the rest of the estate carried on for another year.
FORBES: Startups in the Desert - Investigating the Las Vegas Downtown Project
President Chavez's electoral success (he lost only one nationwide vote) did not rest, it is safe to say, on his foreign policy.
To that end, the company added a notch on one side, that makes it easier to lift the stand away from the rest of the chassis.
The successful entrepreneur is usually very good at one or more of these areas and either gets up to speed on the rest or hires to compensate on the remaining areas.
FORBES: You don't need a better mousetrap, or three steps to start a successful business
By contrast, Apple owns just one factory, in Cork, Ireland, relying on contract manufacturers to do the rest of its work.
On the one hand, he didn't want to block banking union for the rest - because he believes it is in Britain's interest to help bring calm and stability to the eurozone.
Microsoft wasn't the only one with something to show off yesterday, the rest of the HD DVD camp was on hand to show off what they've done in the months since launch and what we can expect for the rest of the year.
Along with the rest of the equipment loaded into the back and strapped on to the roof of the ambulance, there is one modest-looking grey box.
He said that one of his professors offered to end class for the rest of the semester and calculate grades based on current performance.
The Knicks stumbled out of the gate to an early 16-5 deficit, but embarked on a 24-12 run the rest of the period to finish with a 29-28 lead after one.
These measure robberies and the rest on a per capita basis, allowing people to know if their community is safer or more dangerous than another one, and whether the trend lines are getting better or worse over time.
FORBES: Hey Intel and McAfee: Do Internet Crime a Favor and Publish An "Internet Crime Report"
On a day when many in the rest of the UK, along with eyes around the world, have begun to focus on the independence referendum, one interesting area to watch is how this will play within England over the next two years.
These initiatives have bipartisan support and at this make-or-break moment for the middle class, we need to create an economy built to last that creates secure American jobs and makes things the rest of the world buys -- not one built on outsourcing, loopholes, or risky financial deals.
Currently just one prototype antenna has been built on the site, with building work on the rest due to commence in 2008.
For the rest of the program, I strained to hear more comments about LeBron and China, but no one picked up on it.
"My one motivation on Sunday was to remember my dad and raise money for a good cause and the rest of it is pure nonsense, " she said.