Missouri can put the debate over the Border War record to rest with a win.
WSJ: Border War: Missouri, Kansas Have One Last Score to Settle
Put the entire argument to rest with Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie by providing the list.
There the bodies of Voltaire and Rousseau were laid to rest with the blessing of the French state.
Unfortunately for Mr Obama the decision is more likely to rest with Mr Barak and his prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, than with him.
The central bankers would be consulted, of course, but the decision on whether to use taxpayers' money has to rest with elected politicians.
Permission for the extra keys to be added to the public key was supposed to rest with the owner of the corresponding private key.
They put the Knicks' longest streak in nearly two decades to rest with a huge surge in the second half, offsetting Anthony's 36 points.
The responsibility for Northern Ireland policy in the new US administration is expected to rest with the State Department headed by General Colin Powell.
They put the Knicks' longest streak in nearly two decades to rest with a huge surge in the second half, offsetting Carmelo Anthony's 36 points.
He jumps on the hood and breathes a sigh of relief, as does the audience, when it finally comes to rest with only inches to spare.
FORBES: Cashing In On Tom Cruise's 'Risky Business' Porsche 928
He said he took advice from his own director of legal services and from the director of public prosecutions, but the decision had to rest with the police.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Key points: Cash-for-honours hearing
Added to this, 74% wanted final decisions concerning expulsions of violent and disruptive pupils to rest with head teachers, rather than appeals panels, as is currently the case.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Fewer children banned from school
This morning, Kandi put those concerns to rest, with a s igned sales contract for 5, 000 mini-EVs to be delivered in between now and the end of the year .
Most of the funds in the Merida Initiative, which is due to expire in 2011, are allocated to Mexico, with the rest going to other countries in Central America.
BBC: Clinton pledges broader US effort on Mexico drugs gangs
To communicate with the rest of the world, they took to pay phones.
About 1.5 million ad campaigns have migrated to Enhanced Campaigns, with the rest to follow in the next 10 weeks.
FORBES: Google Tops Q1 Profit Expectations As Ad Price Decline Eases A Bit
The decision to proceed would rest with the Afghan Government, but in meetings with government officials and ordinary people alike in Afghanistan he says he found widespread support for the idea.
Yet on August 27th Jack Layton, leader of the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP), who died of cancer on August 22nd at the age of 61, will be laid to rest in Toronto with all the pomp and solemn ceremony that official Canada can muster.
Most of the money will go to the police, with the rest going to magistrates courts, the Highways Authority and the Treasury.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Speed camera fines show 70% rise
Of the one billion shares on offer, between a fifth to half, depending on the public's response, will be allotted to individual investors, with the rest going to institutions.
IPOs typically go first to institutional investors, with the rest being handed to the investment bank's most important individual clients.
The severe weather conditions are set to continue for the rest of Friday with freezing temperatures to remain over the weekend.
The shock of the realization that Charles was taking this seriously was enough to make the rest of us begin to toy with the idea that this informal meeting might, in fact, turn out to be something worthwhile.
The jobs outlook in Scotland has returned to pre-recession levels and is continuing to catch up with the rest of the UK, according to a business survey.
It estimates that 60% of informal loans have gone to small property developers, with the rest going to other businesses that need bridge loans.
Killick, of the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment, was told he would have to remain on duty to assist with supplying kit to the rest of the soldiers.
Independents will shift back and forth, but if they split 49% to 49% (with the rest going to minor candidates), then Mr. Obama's vote total would be shaved by 1.1 million and Mr. Romney's would grow by an equal amount, cutting the president's margin to 1.4 million.
But recently they have started to catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to coveting the nearly new and Florence is host to the biggest used clothes fair in Italy.
Since ETF issuers have shown no signs of slowing down in terms of new product introductions, we expect to be busy with Checking In for the rest of 2011 as we look to uncover the very best opportunities with rookie ETFs.