Worse, even those dollars appear to result from presumed economic growth rather than policy changes.
But reform is more likely to result from compelling ideas rather than insider knowledge.
About 4, 400 criminal cases were likely to result from the operation, said the police.
That moment is unlikely to result from a bold diplomatic initiative for a long while.
These cancers are thought to result from energetic particles striking DNA, breaking strands, and interfering with gene replication.
FORBES: 1st Person | Facing an Unsettled Future After Radiation Exposure
The effort is the first high-profile execution to result from a new marketing collaboration between Kraft and HSN.
FORBES: Kraft, HSN Tie The Knot In New Multi-Brand Partnership
It is judged to result from epigenetic changes arising during the cloning process.
Some of the iPhone 5 issues seem to result from the fact that the 3G MicroCell does not support LTE connections.
FORBES: Some AT&T MicroCell Users Are Experiencing Problems With iPhone 5 and iOS 6
Moreover, the delay now certain to result from the Yeltsin postponement may actually strengthen Japan's hand in this high-stakes poker game.
The Chevrolet Cruze, which goes on sale next year in the U.S., is the first global car to result from that strategy.
Even one of the most dramatic permanent buildings to result from the Games, the aquatics center by Zaha Hadid, is designed to be shrunk.
WSJ: London Olympics 2012 | These Knock-Down, Shrinkable Games | By Hugh Pearman
In its paper, Distressing Signals on Summitry, the Center expressed serious reservations about the undesirable repercussions likely to result from this hastily arranged meeting.
One might conclude that this trait evolved to ease their passage through a narrow birth canal, but it seems to result from the way vertebrate skeletons develop.
As a result, Instagram has now been been hit with what appears to be the first civil lawsuit to result from these changed terms of service.
It is not entirely clear just what United States' interest is to be served by the dramatic improvement in Soviet fertilizer production likely to result from this transaction.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: US-Soviet Joint Ventures: The Camel's Nose Under The Tent
After the court's ruling, hailed by the Palestinians, Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman said he does not expect U.N. sanctions to result from the court action.
The charges against Mr Reyes, a former boss of Brocade Communications Systems, represented the first criminal prosecution to result from the options backdating scandal that made headlines last year.
ECONOMIST: A conviction for backdating options may be the first of many
Twenty-seven percent of women and 34 percent of men in the survey said serious health problems such as cancer are likely to result from using the pill or other hormonal contraceptives.
But the leisure and sedentary existence that the Jomon would have required for their pottery have generally been supposed to result from climatic changes at the end of the ice age.
Until smart pricing evolves to match smart meters, consumers are unlikely to cut their energy use much, and greenhouse gas reductions--an additional advantage that has been promised to result from the smart grid--will likely be minimal.
Moreover, much of the growth in online trading seems to result from investors doing more trades and keeping less of their money in the bank, rather than from e-brokers gaining clients at the expense of full-service firms.
Not only does it deal with the problem of rejection (because the stem cells used are the patient's own), but cultured cells are much more consistent than the potentially damaged material that tends to result from abortions.
For the sake of better public debate, and the better policymaking that ought to result from it, here's hoping that in this respect at least Mr Mackey puts the interests of his shareholders second, and continues to speak out.
Crash types that declined more slowly appeared to result not from lack of understanding, but from failure to master certain driving skills.
In the run-down suburbs around many French cities, reactions to the election result ranged from gloom to outright anger, as youths set cars on fire and skirmished with police.
However, this approach would result in a disastrous situation for doctors who are not set up to handle the huge administrative difficulties that would result from having to re-bill along with enormous stress on the CMS payment system.
This was an effective approach designed to achieve the desired result from Congressional Democrats, none of whom want to be responsible for cutting programs that feed children.
FORBES: Must Obama Save The GOP In Order To Save His Agenda And End Dysfunctional Government?
His swearing-in as prime minister was delayed by more than a week because of the threat of legal challenges to the election result from the opposition.
She speculates that the abilities of savants in areas that neurotypicals tend to find pointless or boring may result from an ability to see differences where a neurotypical would see only similarities.
ECONOMIST: Autism and extraordinary ability: Genius locus | The
If demand for frac sand continues to rise, and if the general economic recovery continues to result in increased demand from other industries, U.S. Silica expects prices to go even higher.