In that case, the accelerated death benefits (meaning they are paid out before death) are fully excludable from income so long as the insured has been certified by a physician as having an illness or physical condition that can reasonably be expected to result in death within 24 months from the date of the certification.
"This study shows firearm injures are more likely to result in a death or a treatment in the ICU than other injuries, " he said.
The idea that this is going to result in the death of the indie bookshop seems like a nice slippery slope fallacy which reads well but makes no real sense.
However, officials in Berlin said on September 16th that they might not provide evidence to American authorities because the charges against Mr bin al-Shibh could result in the death penalty to which Germany, like other European Union countries, is opposed.
But Army rules prohibit a judge from accepting a guilty plea to charges that could result in a death sentence.
Ms. Bary stated that she ran away from home due to her fear that her recent conversion from the Islamic faith to Christianity would result in violence or death.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Florida Department of Law Enforcement earns an F
Becker patients typically don't lose the ability to walk until their 20s and can live into their 50s or longer, although related heart problems can result in death earlier, according to Sharon Hesterlee, vice president of research at Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, a patient group.
And as you've probably heard, a gun in your home is many times more likely to be used to kill one of the people in that home, be used in a suicide, or result in an accidental death than it is to be wielded against an intruder.
For so many domestic violence victims worldwide, a marriage license can result in a death warrant when the victim plans to end the violence.
FORBES: Global Terrorism And The World Conference Of Women In Washington, D.C.
However, the prosecutor told that BBC Mr Beales was not considered to be the main player in the case, as a result of which he would not face the death penalty.
BBC: Paul Beales (left) and Rachel Dougall, two of the suspects.
But for some people, ingesting something that even accidentally touched tree nuts or peanuts could result in anaphylaxis, a severe reaction that can lead to blocked airways, cardiovascular collapse, and even death.
Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed celebrated as Mikael Barzalona rode Monterosso to victory in the the emirate's World Cup in April, but the result was somewhat overshadowed by the death of another Godolphin horse, Fox Hunt, in the inaugural Gold Cup held earlier in the meeting.
Dr Clive Holgate, a consultant pathologist from Plymouth's Derriford Hospital, said post-mortem and toxicology tests on Ms Bending's organs were carried out in India and the cause of death was given as asphyxia as a result of aspiration - a reaction in the lungs to vomiting.
As a result, Maliki has defended Sadr, even when U.S. forces want to go after death squads acting in his name.