"The state will do all what needs to be done, in the quickest way, to assure the return to normal life to such a special and productive region of the country, " Monti said in a televised statement.
In 18 to 24 months, we can get back to the normal return profile of the small-cap segment, which tends to enjoy a 20% premium over the large caps.
Under the best-case scenario, the utility would simply push a firmware update across the standard wireless network to all the affected meters, overwrite the worm, and return the meters to normal operation.
Authorities have said it could take up to 10 years for life in the area to return to normal.
However, these enzyme levels seemed to return to normal even if the drug was not stopped, Halperin says.
The scientists could see that this activity had the effect of reducing stress levels, indicated by the return to the animals' normal activities of self-scratching and self-grooming.
She said the backlog will be dealt with and services should return to normal within the next two to three weeks.
In other words, the economy may not return to normal growth until the housing market is healed.
In milder cases you can have a small electric shock to get the heartbeat to return to normal, or like British Prime Minister Tony Blair had last year, a procedure called catheter ablation.
The Kremlin and Chechnya's Moscow-appointed administration portrayed the referendum as a key step toward peace and a return to normal life in the region.
They hope that life will return to normal over the next few days.
Many Japanese businessmen residing in China also returned to Japan on Sunday as airports gradually return to normal operations in some cities, the Shanghai Daily reports Sunday.
FORBES: China Sends Rescue Workers to Quake Ravaged Japan-Xinhua
Military tactics and clandestine hostage-rescue methods were far from the minds of regular folks in Midland City on Wednesday, Ethan's sixth birthday, as they tried desperately to return to normal life while giving thanks for the heart-wrenching event's joyous outcome.
Purchasing MBS to fuel the housing market merely delays the readjustment of relative prices that needs to occur before the U.S housing market can return to normal.
FORBES: The Limits Of Monetary Policy Call For Moral, Sound Money
They also found that in the older animals glucose supply did not return to normal until 30 minutes after the task was completed.
Many investors in Indian VC pools are being promised annualized returns of 40% to 50% instead of the normal 20% to 30% annualized historical return in the U.S. market.
McKinsey makes the striking claim that "the ratio of UK household debt to disposable income would not return to its pre-bubble trend for up to a decade" - which implies that as we in the UK look for a return to more normal levels of economic growth, momentum is not going to be provided by consumer spending for perhaps up to 10 years.
If politics are to return to normal by year's end, the outcome will be a happy one only if Thailand sees the emergence of good, liberal ideas in the process.
Although there's no evidence the pacemaker helps patients live longer, doctors said some patients were able to come off the transplant waiting list and return to a fairly normal life.
Antoinette McKeown from the Consumer Council welcomed the return to normal service.
Nearly two-thirds of those questioned said the United States would never return to normal, while 30 percent said eventually, things would go back to the way they were.
CNN: Poll: Few Americans think U.S. is winning war on terror
The Highways Agency said normal traffic conditions would not return to the M4 until 2300 GMT.
Although airlines gave warning that it would take several days for services to return to normal and for all passengers to be flown home, the crisis was over.
"It's easy to say 'the series is over, let's let this calm down and cricket will return to normal', " said Strauss.
Twenty percent of the levy is reflected in normal returns (essentially, equal to the return from low-risk bonds) and 60 percent in any additional returns received by shareholders.
FORBES: Who Pays The Corporate Income Tax? Workers Bear The Burden, Too.
The department said that given the balance of risks, surgeons could return to using re-usable surgical equipment which should be sterilised in the normal way.
It is not clear how long the country will take to return to its normal output of 350, 000 barrels a day.
Temperatures will return to nearly normal summertime levels by Wednesday throughout the Northeast, said Chris Vaccaro, a spokesman for the National Weather Service.
We have achieved design win success with our new products and I believe we will return to normal revenue levels and growth in the second half of 2012.
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