But it also tends to ridicule the losing side and, in some people's view, can cause ill will.
It is not the job of serious publications to ridicule the religious sentiments held sacred by many.
Again, it's the style of writing that can tend to ridicule--it reminds me very much of Justice Scalia's writing style.
No one thought it should be kept a secret, but we were careful not to ridicule the event or turn it into a joke.
But it seems a mite harsh to ridicule a Japanese hotel in Holland for failing to produce a definitive version of this American offering.
Some wonder if going public with the faces and personal histories will open prospective parents to fraud and prospective adoptees to ridicule or worse.
Jason Giambi tried one a few years back, mostly to ridicule.
But if he hopes to ridicule his new opponent's ideas for tax reform and portray him as a rigid Christian conservative, he may come off second-best.
Some papers show outrage at the threats against Mr Lerner's life, others accuse the 'caviares' - a term used to ridicule middle-class liberals - of fishing for public sympathy.
Several months ago when I wrote Apple is so 2010, the Apple fan boys came out of the woodwork to ridicule the very idea that I could be right.
Democrats trooped to the floor to ridicule the Speaker Newt Gingrich for allowing his personal anger over a perceived snub by President Clinton to influence his attitude during budget negotiations.
This has allowed the exchange to ridicule Macquarie's opener.
To many of the defeated lobbyists, the latest vote on women bishops leaves the Church open to ridicule, as they claim it puts the Church at odds with wider society in terms of equal opportunities for women.
This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult and that we have nothing to fear.
We should be thankful that, whatever the reasons, there are a few people with the courage to risk ridicule, at a minimum, and possibly ruin, to bring new and often better ideas to the masses.
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Ultimately to great ridicule Kennedy was against it, but it says here he was correct.
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They sent an unprecedented list of questions back to the judge, leading to their ridicule in the national media.
Never before have the past actions of a generation been so open to public ridicule as they were with the youth of the last generation.
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The imperious Baker and his taxpayer-underwritten PR operation have responded to the ridicule (the most devastating of which was the New York Post's depiction on its front page of the ex-SecState and his co-chairman, former Rep. Lee Hamilton, as "Surrender Monkeys") with the last refuge of scoundrels: a claim to bipartisanship.
To deride, ridicule, discourage and financially penalize those Americans fortunate enough to be making big investments is not only misplaced, but it is also harmful to the very investments in infrastructure and growth companies we desperately need for our economy to grow and create jobs.
They just want to get the hell out of there, out of sight, to alleviate the sting of ridicule, and then they want to forget about the entire miserable experience.
Mr Pais has collected astonishingly many examples of physicists who hesitated to publish a great discovery for fear of ridicule, only to see a Nobel prize stolen from under their noses.
When women began to understand that cultural biases were preventing them from financial independence and economic security, they picked themselves up and went to law school and became lawyers and endured the ridicule of the male establishment to do so.
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Chavez rarely misses an opportunity to denounce capitalism and ridicule the International Monetary Fund.
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He was a conscience for his time and, for serving as a hair-shirt, was subjected to criticism and even ridicule by those he properly made uncomfortable.
He has been a conscience for the time and, for serving as a hair-shirt, has been subjected to criticism and even ridicule by those he properly made uncomfortable.
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According to Wooten's study, ridicule helps teach teenagers what brands and styles of clothes and shoes to wear and which ones to avoid, if they want acceptance from their peers.
If the only way he can force you to give 'em up is through scorn and ridicule, he's more than willing to do it, even as he claims the moral high ground.