There was also a flap when Mr Perry and Sonny Perdue, the Republican governor of Georgia, joined forces to scold Mr White.
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Several lawyers have signed a stern letter to Steven Miller, Acting IRS Commissioner, to scold him about careless handling of confidential information.
The White House had said Bush was going to also use his Veterans Day speech to scold Congress for not sending him a veterans spending bill.
But Mr Obama is not, of course, running in 2010, although he has recently stepped up his efforts to rally the students, making speeches at a series of universities and even taking to the pages of Rolling Stone to scold apathetic liberals.
There are 13 NFL games on Christmas Eve, and five juicy season-opening NBA contests on Christmas Day, and at some point, you're going to be following a game on your TV, or your phone, or your high-tech germ tablet, and a disapproving person is going to scold you and tell you to shut that thing off and show some respect.
They have, in fact, a symbiotic relationship with these outside groups, sometimes paying them to keep watch over the fields or scold parents into sending their children to school.
Each time, I got up to chase him, scold him, and drag him back while he screamed.
While the company's flacks would scold them if they were caught dishing to the press, the employees also live in something of a bubble.
There was even a space to write what we wanted Santa to discuss, and a note saying Santa wouldn't scold or discuss topics that would make the child feel bad or sad.
There is nothing worse than a formerly promiscuous aunt now on a crusade for moral rectitude playing the harpy and scold in the sick room, elbowing the doctor aside to upbraid the patient with inappropriately timed, self-righteous sermons.
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Or will an irate prime minister scold it for allowing an impression of sleaze and division to reach the point where party officials have started to say in private memos that Labour is in danger of losing the next election?
He said when you scold Israel, basically you take some of the pressure off the Palestinians to do their own negotiating.