If we choose to scrutinize them, they need to have the right ingredients and provenance.
"The larger organizations get, the more we want to scrutinize and get metrics, " said Ordonez.
By February 2005 regulators began to scrutinize AIG's efforts to massage its own financial results.
That spurred numerous regulators that weren't focused on mortgage-servicing issues in the past to scrutinize the industry.
But, simultaneously, the political parties are going to scrutinize the ambience of the election, how the election took place.
The result increased the odds Greece would exit the euro and led investors to scrutinize all sovereign debt holdings.
She folded 70 employee databases into a single one to scrutinize labor costs.
The target demographic includes customers looking to scrutinize social media, oversee orders or just sift through torrents of Big Data.
We then expect them to scrutinize the product and limit its application or ban it totally from the markets if necessary.
In the case of Avastin, the discovery of counterfeits has prompted clinics and hospitals in the U.S. to scrutinize their supplies.
His biggest gift came in 1997 with the proviso that he be allowed to send his finance chief to scrutinize Liberty's books.
Under the current law, approved in 1992, the very manufacturers the FDA is supposed to scrutinize pay the salaries of drug reviewers.
Holding its first Cabinet meeting Thursday, the government agreed to scrutinize public spending and review all Cabinet ministers' wages, spokeswoman Najat Vallaud-Belkacem said.
The governors have called for an oversight body to scrutinize the site's spending and for the National Park Service to take over some functions.
Siedle, who has spent much of his career investigating malfeasance at pension funds, has occasionally been asked to scrutinize the investment activities of a nonprofit.
FORBES: Why Do Colleges And Charities Speculate With Your Donations?
Investigators also are expected to scrutinize the bridge's design, Sumwalt said.
After a year on it, her students were twice as likely to scrutinize hard data than to guess, something they did quite frequently at first.
That will make it easier for investors to scrutinize those documents.
Meanwhile, a number of government agencies continue to scrutinize the industry.
Around the country, police administrators have found that to keep their houses in order they need an outside monitor, someone to scrutinize investigations into police misconduct.
Tell them you want them to scrutinize audited financial statements, check out the bios of the principals (people starting up the companies) and visit their offices.
FORBES: Crowdfunding Craziness: How to Protect Yourself From the JOBS Act
Being able to scrutinize the prescription behavior of doctors is valuable to them as well, though not perhaps as monetarily valuable as it is to pharma-marketers.
But Roosevelt was not about to scrutinize to death intelligence that would help him lead American public opinion along the course he wanted, war against Germany.
"The Texas prosecutors' position in the case of Maxim Kuzmin is upsetting, because they refused to scrutinize the circumstances of his death, " Astakhov tweeted, according to RIA Novosti.
Best Buy originally planned to report full fourth-quarter numbers this afternoon, but decided to delay until tomorrow so that Schulze had the full day to scrutinize his plans.
FORBES: Decision Day Dawns For Best Buy Founder Schulze. Buyout Offer Must Come Thursday
What might explain a board's reluctance to scrutinize investment consultants?
They refused to examine the murals, to scrutinize their miracle, even after Malskat submitted photographs taken with his Leica documenting his creative progress from whitewashed walls to finished frescoes.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
Perhaps gardeners haven't bothered to scrutinize the label on their tub of Roundup: Many apparently don't want to know what goes into these products even when the ingredients are natural.
Cameron said British lawmakers will visit Myanmar in July to scrutinize its progress toward full democracy, and will continue to support the country up to its planned elections in 2015.
What might explain Board reluctance to scrutinize investment consultants?