He ran over to a scuffle involving Larry Young, a homeless man.
CNN: Even after execution, no finality for mother
Haye has pointed to worldwide attraction to the scuffle in Germany -- 20 million views of a YouTube video showing him brandishing a glass bottle -- as justification for Saturday's fight.
CNN: July 13, 2012 -- Updated 1727 GMT (0127 HKT)
He said he had been approached by a man who tried to rob him, however, during the ensuing scuffle, he was pushed to the ground and injured.
BBC: Pensioner attacks 'may be linked'
However, a scuffle near to the Blues try-line between Ospreys hooker Richie Hibbard and Blues skipper Paul Tito lit the blue touch-paper to warm up the full house inside the Arms Park.
BBC: Cardiff Blues 12-16 Ospreys
This leads us to believe that while the bears may want to explore the downside a bit more in the near-term, our heroes in horns are likely to emerge from this scuffle victorious.
FORBES: DJIA Powers Ahead While Other Indices Falter
In revenge, Tara steals his van and equipment and drives her band to Chattanooga, where they scuffle along on fear and desperation.
NEWYORKER: Half-Cocked
Despite a swarm of law enforcement, he managed to speed off in the truck -- but after spiking his tires, authorities were able to detain him without a scuffle by 9 p.m.
But never mind: another round of apologies, and Middle America's churchgoing fans will settle back in front of the tube, ready to be shocked by the next scuffle.
ECONOMIST: Brawling basketballers
Chisora then left the stage to confront Haye after the pair had traded insults at which point the scuffle ensued.
CNN: February 20, 2012 -- Updated 0001 GMT (0801 HKT)
Taylor lost to Dake 3-2 in overtime in the championship finals of the Southern Scuffle Tournament on Jan. 2, and by a point in a November exhibition.
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Ipoua was booked for disputing the referee's decision and the game threatened to boil over when Andy Hessenthaler and Blake got yellow cards for a minor scuffle.
BBC: Gillingham 0-4 Wolves
While I am not predicting that our furry friends will emerge victorious from the current scuffle, it is worth noting that the bears were once again able to keep their opponents from pushing the ball across the goal line yesterday.
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