Four of the country's six provinces, which support Mr Ratsiraka, are threatening to secede.
Nor could it claim a right to secede anyway if the talks bogged down.
Nobody says that the English must threaten to secede, as the Scots did before they got their Parliament.
But Jones will almost certainly run smack into a lawsuit if he attempts to secede on the merchandise issue.
Jimbo petitions for his apartment to secede from his building and serves the appropriate papers to the new super.
And Milorad Dodik, the RS leader, threatens to secede unless it is left free to be run as a quasi-state.
In so doing, they are echoing the behaviour of the Canadian government in the face of repeated attempts by Quebec to secede.
But the Sudanese now -- the southern Sudanese now have an option where they may be seeking to secede from all of Sudan.
Lord Irvine says that the Scottish Parliament has no legal right to hold such a referendum, let alone to secede on the strength of one.
But when the religious parties in his coalition objected, Mr Netanyahu cravenly caved in, causing the biggest secular party, Kadima, to secede from his government.
ECONOMIST: Israel needs to solve a problem with its most religious Jews
Jimbo petitions for his apartment building to secede from the town.
After voting to secede, the leaders of south Sudan must ride on the international goodwill to lay a firm foundation for the development of their country.
There is currently a movement afoot for part of northern California and southern Oregon to secede from their states and form the state of Jefferson.
On January 17th the Labour Party's central committee crushed a motion by Yossi Beilin, a former minister and indefatigable peace negotiator, to secede from the coalition government.
The Eritreans supported the Ethiopian rebels in the fight against the Mengistu regime on condition that, when they came to power, Eritrea would be allowed to secede.
ECONOMIST: Ethiopia and Eritrea: Why are they fighting? | The
The referendum was only the third such vote in Croatia after it in 1991 voted to secede from Yugoslavia, and last year to join the European Union this summer.
Yet that is improbable, given that the Philippines is one of the world's more fervent Catholic states and half the people of Mindanao are Christian with no wish to secede.
If this timetable is respected, Sudan's economy should benefit from billions of dollars coming from oil transit fees, and from a compensatory payment for allowing the South to secede, he says.
Second, that the more the British government is successful in reducing the innate riskiness of all British banks and their size, the easier it would be for Scotland to secede and keep its big banks.
Anger over Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, where the city's trash was shipped until 2001, contributed to the unpopularity of Mayor David Dinkins in the borough and its efforts to secede from New York City in the mid-1990s.
It's Austin - a person called Caleb M wants Austin to secede and form its own US state, should Texas ever secede from the US. The petition must gain 25, 000 signatures by 12 December to receive a presidential response.
When the south votes in the 2011 referendum, Abyei state will exercise a special dispensation (which is nothing to do with the ruling at The Hague) letting it choose whether to stay in a federal Sudan or to secede with the south.
ECONOMIST: A ruling from The Hague pleases the north and vexes the south
Three decades ago Greenlanders won a degree of home rule and then, anxious about fishing rights, promptly voted to pull themselves out of the European Union (then the European Community), completing the process in 1985, becoming the only people ever to secede from the continental block.
Some problems are largely beyond Mr Shevardnadze's control, such as the private fief of Ajaria in the south, the two regions on the northern border which have struggled, with Russian help, to secede, and the Chechen rebels who use northern Georgia as a haven of last resort.
Moreover, the accord provided for a referendum in the south, to take place in or before January 2011, on whether that vast region should secede from the north, creating a brand-new independent country.
ECONOMIST: Sudan's coming elections: How did it come to this? | The