Sufferers may have to turn their head or get up close to the subject to see clearly.
There is no function to these decorative notches, which you need a jeweler's loupe to see clearly.
Otherwise, one or both parties will be unable to see clearly and will do things they will later regret.
Advances in bionics and engineering will mean we could all boast enhanced night vision allowing us to see clearly in the dark.
Its larger screen allows users to see content clearly and vividly, with much enhanced readability.
Break things down to see more clearly where complexity presents more severe problems.
At home, I was able to see more clearly what the issues were.
Reading Heart of Darkness is more like using a book as a mirror to see more clearly who you are.
Staff will be able to see more clearly what their colleagues in other countries are paid, as well as how their living costs differ.
New laboratory technology is enabling scientists to see more clearly what is going on inside a baby's brain and monitor how it interacts with its environment.
But my goal is simply to see things clearly, so that we can get a good view of what the future will look like, and profit from it.
FORBES: Why Oil Prices Rose in the Spring of 2008 and Will Rise Again
Crews still were working to remove enough of the home to see more clearly inside the hole and determine what steps would come after the property is razed.
Stuart Rolland, managing director of British Gas Smart Metering, said the installation would "revolutionise home energy use in Cardiff by putting an end to estimated bills and making it possible to clearly see and understand the energy you're using as you're using it".
Yet the big unknown, according to Kanas, does not involve who astronauts will not be able to talk to or what gifts they will not be able to get, but instead what they will not be able to clearly see: planet Earth.
CNN: Mars on the brain? Red Planet pioneers to face cosmic mind trip
Transparency allows taxpayers to clearly see how their money is spent on their behalf.
FORBES: The Feds Black Out Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Of Migration
It is difficult for people to see the world clearly, when their vision is biased by their pre-existing attitudes.
To see these effects clearly, imagine a two person economy in which one of the two people is paid for being unemployed.
WSJ: Arthur B. Laffer: Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus
That is when you must rely on the four principles of values-based leadership to help you see clearly as you chart the course forward.
Long-standing hostilities interfere with the ability of individuals to see each other clearly, leaving them to judge each other according to established stereotypes and prejudice.
They may be driving while not able to see road signs clearly anymore or may be wearing glasses for driving which are no longer suitable.
Investors in crowdfunding offerings are able to clearly see the terms and success of an offering, and are able to directly communicate with the issuer and other investors.
FORBES: JOBS Act Hearings Prepare the U.S. for Expanded Crowdfunding Market
In fact, try one of these methods to see if they are able to clearly explain to you how to enroll as a student there.
FORBES: Avoiding the Diploma Mill - How to Choose an Online School
We can take away the raw data to see the trend more clearly.
Compare that to the after-tax value of a taxable investment and you start to see the benefits more clearly.
FORBES: Three Essential Retirement Moves You Don't Want to Miss
What this kind of comparative data and analysis allows us to do is see more clearly where progress is and isn't occurring.
This is the high quality beef I am used to eating at home, as good as you can get without the dry aging, so I wanted to see if I would clearly notice the difference.
Then look in to the eyes of a smacking parent and you see all too clearly this has nothing to do with 'punishment' for wrongdoing, and everything to do with the adult letting off steam, releasing their own anger or frustration.
The Kremlin is clearly loth to see another Muslim-majority region descend into anarchic violence.
That's an attribute we clearly want to see from them in the 15-a-side game.