Then look in to the eyes of a smacking parent and you see all too clearly this has nothing to do with 'punishment' for wrongdoing, and everything to do with the adult letting off steam, releasing their own anger or frustration.
BBC: Should children be smacked?
Plus, this is clearly different than if people had paid to see Beyonce in concert and she lip-synced most, if not all, of her songs.
CNN: It's Beyonce-Gate! Not
What this kind of comparative data and analysis allows us to do is see more clearly where progress is and isn't occurring.
CNN: Africa 'must think big for its children'
Now, having started on this path, it is difficult to see how it can be reversed without Saddam clearly winning the whole game.
BBC: Is a new UN resolution possible?
"What was in existence before was clearly failing on a number of accounts and so we're pleased to see this is being looked at and they're bringing new proposals forward, " she said.
BBC: Kent
In making this point, Obama was clearly signaling that the White House would be happy to see Kadima join the government and compel Netanyahu to adopt its strategic view that Israel is better off empowering outsiders to secure its national interests.