' And the citizens who sit on a grand jury take an oath to seek the truth.
Paterno family spokesman Dan McGinn told CNN the coach's final guidance to him before Paterno died was "to seek the truth" and due process for everyone involved.
In the era of open-source sharing, anyone can set up or edit a Wikipedia page, cite questionable sources or air unsubstantiated information, it behooves us to seek the truth and to elevate facts and not let them fall victim to the whims of an intellectually bankrupt election season where the loudest beats out the truest.
Judges could not, and should not, seek to discern the truth about a marriage from the recriminations that followed a break-up.
But let's face it: Any measures that include rewards and sanctions, gold stars and interventions, praise and embarrassment, even determinations about the future of entire institutions and those who work in them -- any and all such measures invite tampering by those who have reason to seek better results than the plain truth reveals.
The documentary's trailer mirrors the tone and music of The Da Vinci Code's, but instead of seek the truth, the tagline is, testifying to faith.
Yesterday Lord Prescott told the Today programme that he would seek a judicial review into the affair to "find the truth" about whether he had been targeted by journalists.
The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vlad Filat, said the election was a victory for truth and that it would definitely seek to form a coalition with other opposition parties - the Liberal Party, the Democratic Party and Our Moldova Alliance.
"The truth of this affair is this: The decisions to seek resignations of a handful of U.S. attorneys were properly made but poorly explained, " Sampson said.
In truth, Obama was a moderate young technocrat, whose first instinct was to seek the middle ground.
In the mid-1970s the priority for most Spaniards was to turn their back on dictatorship rather than to seek truth, justice or reconciliation.
ECONOMIST: Flirting with nationalists, provoking the opposition