He had no advance warning that I had decided to set about tracking his footprints online.
The administration's response was to set about creating the widest possible coalition.
"The question is, is this the best way to set about creating alliances, a shared agenda, and getting what we want from Europe, " he said.
It raises the adrenaline, it makes you get your canvassing kit out and start to think of how best to set about trying to hold on to your seat.
The right to vote can be restored, usually by a governor's pardon, but the report points out that most ex-offenders are either unaware of this or do not know how to set about obtaining clemency.
But although the Tories succeeded in introducing a slightly tougher system for incapacity benefit, paid to people deemed incapable of work, they were too cowed by the powerful disability lobby to set about root-and-branch reforms.
Surely wise Chinese, looking at how long it took Japan to pull this off without major labor shocks (more than a decade of economic funk) will want to set about it in a full and forceful way.
Mr Daley won control of Chicago's schools by striking a deal with his Republican opponents in the state legislature that enabled him to set about sacking bad teachers, insist on pupils completing academic requirements before going up to the next class, and thin out the bureaucracy enough to get the schools back in the black.
"It would have been totally irresponsible to have set about rebuilding somebody's house ... whilst the ground is shaking, only to have it severely damaged again or destroyed by the next quake that comes along, " said Tim Grafton, chief executive of the New Zealand Insurance Council, an industry group.
They also agreed to set aside about 8%, or about 24 channels, of their combined lineup for use by educational and minority broadcasters.
Just as she set out to destroy her former husband's reputation - the prosecution set about to destroy hers.
But when a corporation applies an algorithm to a huge data set to discern information about our desires, relationships, or health status it shares only the information of empathy, none of the relationship.
FORBES: 'Big Data' Got You Creeped Out? Transparency Can Help
Sensibly, the government recognises that the vote means that it has to think carefully about how to set up the assembly.
On Friday, Mr. Andor will present measures to improve labor mobility in the EU. But as he concedes, these are mostly about better implementation of existing rules, for instance by getting countries to set up agencies to inform migrant workers about their rights.
Somerset County Council is set to lose about 5% of government funding for 2013-14.
BBC: Somerset County Council: Union fear over job cuts plans
One of China's largest car makers is set to create about 200 jobs in Nottingham.
BBC: Chinese car giant to open research centre in Nottingham
Hallam Land Management is also set to build about 320 homes on a separate site in Weddington.
Nonetheless, once Burlington was restored to profitability she set about expanding the business through organic growth and acquisitions.
FORBES: Linda Hudson, First Female CEO In Defense, Reflects On What It Takes
To his credit, Dietrich has tried to set realistic expectations about what the flying car can and cannot do.
This morning, GOOG is set to open about 10 points (1.35%) higher.
Pfizer is set to sell about a 20 percent share in the business, called Zoetis, in an initial public offering on Friday.
The point was to set people thinking about energy efficiency, to inspire the young to take up science, and to experiment for the joy of it.
It is important for all levels of IT staff to set these reservations about people, products and services aside, to best assess value in as un-biased a manner as possible.
For example, whereas a median volume setting might normally suffice when it's just me sitting in a quiet room, here we kept the volume set to about 75 out of 100.
ENGADGET: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Touch review: one of our favorite Ultrabooks gets a touchscreen
The project boundary, which was originally set to be about 8 miles (12.8km) off Peveril Point at Swanage and The Needles, will now be 1.8 miles (3km) further away from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
The project boundary, which was originally set to be about eight miles (12.8km) off Peveril Point at Swanage and The Needles, will now be 1.8 miles (3km) further away from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Indeed, the best thing about the book is the intelligence with which the author deconstructs all the private and public myths that seem to be haunting his interlocutors, including the various servants of the Turkish state who take it upon themselves to set him straight about their country's history.
Granted, the departure isn't a shock to anyone who follows the roller coaster ride of Washington, but it's bound to rekindle chatter about who is set to take his place.
ENGADGET: WSJ: FCC chairman Julius Genachowski will say tomorrow that he's stepping down
But England's second-half display was well below par as they were held scoreless and it gives coach Tony Smith much to think about with the sides set to meet again in Brisbane next Saturday.
The Conservatives have urged Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell to clarify who knew about the proposal to set up a Labour website, called Red Rag, where it was suggested the smears sent in Mr McBride's e-mails be published.