But it would be shortsighted to shoot down the F-22 because of governmental operational deficiencies.
"Someone has deliberately sought to shoot down this golden eagle in a shocking act of criminality, " she said.
No attempt will be made to shoot down the satellite until after the U.S. space shuttle lands next Wednesday.
CNN: Attempt to shoot down spy satellite to cost up to $60 million
Mr Dunn was the first pilot with 71 Eagle Squadron to shoot down two German aircraft in a day.
Trying to shoot down an incoming missile or warhead with a physical projectile, by contrast, is much more difficult.
And is the U.S. counseling Japan also not to shoot down the missile?
Their indictment alleges they also wanted to shoot down U.S. military planes.
The National Missile Defense system, heavily backed by President George W. Bush, would be able to shoot down incoming nuclear missiles.
In 1998, Brazil's Congress approved a law allowing the air force to shoot down planes that enter Brazilian air space illegally.
Recent translation:Japan isn't going to shoot down a missile headed to California.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called for leading world powers to create an early-warning system, and consider technology to shoot down meteors.
It was in response to Iraqi attempts to shoot down those allied patrols that U.S. and British planes struck targets outside Baghdad on Friday.
It's specifically designed to shoot down missiles during their final stage of flight, and is expected to arrive on Guam within the next few weeks.
The Obama administration, meanwhile, would have to choose whether to attempt to shoot down the missile, a technically complicated procedure with no guarantee of success.
Defence officials say that because the system will be able to shoot down missiles in space, it could cause nuclear and chemical warheads to disintegrate safely.
At America's behest, the group agreed to keep tabs on portable missiles, to stop them falling into the hands of terrorists hoping to shoot down commercial jets.
ECONOMIST: Forget economics. APEC countries are focused on security
It can be achieved most rapidly, most efficiently and most affordably from the sea, by adapting the Navy's AEGIS fleet air defense system to shoot down ballistic missiles.
No less noteworthy is the fact that the SM-3 utilized to shoot down the target was one of the first of the production rounds to come off the manufacturing line.
However, Mr Hammer's technique, based on maths that was invented in the 1930s and was first used to work out how to shoot down German aircraft, requires only seven trials.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s the idea was revived when American strategists began thinking in earnest about the technologies they would need to shoot down nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.
The system on its way to the island is part of a "layered" defense giving the military multiple opportunities to shoot down incoming missiles and warheads before they reach their targets.
They're reconfigured to shoot down ballistic missiles in flight.
Interestingly, the argument most often offered up in the effort to shoot down my conclusions was the position that most health insurers are already meeting, or very close to meeting, the medical loss requirements.
Another laser that came close to being practical enough to use was the Tactical High Energy Laser, also known as the Nautilus laser (pictured above), which was designed to shoot down incoming artillery rounds.
It was the presence of a large quantity of toxic propellants on the returning spy satellite USA-193 that the American government used to justify its decision to shoot down the spacecraft with a missile in 2008.
The US Navy's free-electron laser has broken a few records already, but it's just plowed through another fairly big one -- one that its creators say could put it on the fast track to actually being used to shoot down missiles.
ENGADGET: US Navy's free-electron laser breaks another record, takes aim at missiles next
Prosecutors in New Jersey recently used the Patriot Act to convict Yehuda Abraham, whose services were used in a plot to sell shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to terrorists with the understanding that they were going to be used to shoot down U.S. commercial aircraft.
That raises the heightened concern that, despite public U.S. proclamations that they would be hesitant to shoot down a North Korean missile launched over the ocean unless it appeared to be heading toward a known land-based target, such a shoot-down is still possible.
He was on one of the ships, was shot by -- was strafed by the fire from the planes coming in, and yet still had the presence of mind to shoot down a plane, and won the Medal of Honor -- or was awarded the Medal of Honor for that.
Despite the sum of money having been fully offset by cuts and modifications to other planned expenditures, Senate Republicans used the required vote to shoot down the proposed legislation as the Democrats, with some Republican assistance, were able to manage only 58 of the 60 votes required to accomplish the waiver.